Meet Sergio Marquina

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I love Madrid. I like things busy, always have, not a fan of quiet or docile. I love action and want to always be right in the heart of the battle. There are millions of people crammed into a smallish Metropolitan area and when you have that many people, doing what they want then things are going to get out of hand. I make my living by trying to keep good people safe and putting the bad people away. If I didn't have such a penchant for science I would have stayed on the force and had the same satisfaction. I used to head the office in Barcelona, but when an opening came up for a lab manager here in Madrid, I just had to take it.

I look at the name on my badge and frown, Sergio Marquina. Simple name really, I sigh. I sometimes wonder if anyone would be able to look at my name and smile; glad that I was a part of their life and that at the end of the day I was needed and belonged to something special. But as I move around my lonely apartment I realize that that dream won't happen. I have had my fair share of passing attractions but nothing of note; no one to really look back on and tell myself, 'that was the one that got away' . No, I'm not that fortunate. Daniel, one of my CSI's is always trying to set me up. He and Silene, his troublesome partner, are always on my case to find me a 'better half'. I say she doesn't exist and they finally stop nagging. I sometimes believe that that special someone is out there, waiting for me? Is it possible? I doubt it!

"Give your head a shake Sergio," I tell myself as I stumble out of bed; always up before the sun, and walk over to my coffee maker and push the start button.

I have never slept well; too many nights in the past of being up wondering if I would survive the next few hours in battle; and that is probably another reason I'll end up alone - too restless. I flip on the TV and listen to the headlines. Madrid is a big city and so there are other teams that help to fight crime in a Forensic capacity. My team is the best in my opinion and I would dare anyone to challenge my right to hold that title. But in this city there are only two large teams that vie for the right kind of attention. The second, well she will be mentioned shortly.

I am in the middle of pouring myself my first cup of dark coffee when a tagline gets my attention. 'This Anna Santiago, reporting outside the Madrid Courthouse. Yesterday it was the testimony of Forensic Detective Raquel Murillo that helped to put away notorious cop killer Stan L...' "Her again," I offer in disdain. "I have yet to see a picture of this woman," I mutter bitterly as I head into the bathroom to shave and shower.

The one trouble with a city this is big is that there is only one Mayoral office and so funding is always spread thin. The team that helps the mayor with anything of note is the department that always gets the 'bonus' of the month as I like to call them.

I curse as I realize that with Murillo 's name in the headlines this morning that my funding is going to be short this month. Much like myself she has a reputation for not taking no for an answer and taking whatever liberties where necessary to get the job done. "Probably hell to live with," I assume. I offer a bitter frown and then reach for my razor.

I have only heard things about Raquel. Much like myself, she runs her lab and has a very good team; I think mine is better but that's internal pride. I have never met her personally but by her reputation I am assuming she'd probably look like a bulldog.

"Probably married to a cop," I sigh as I start trimming my beard. She has a good professional reputation and if I didn't have to compete against her, I'm sure I would have offered her a job long ago. But thankfully I haven't had to work with her yet, that I'm sure would be quite a nuisance. This city is big enough for both teams, I tell myself as I turn on the hot water. She has her corner and I have mine; and never the two shall meet; which is fine by me. I finally finish my shower, and head into my bedroom.

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