Kissing Frogs (Completed)

Start from the beginning

            “Home of the hot British boys!” Kazia grinned, finally catching her friend’s drift. The rest of them weren’t so sure, however.

            “I don’t know…” Mysti said doubtfully.

            Alezna’s mouth dropped open. “This is mostly for you! You are so above Nathan’s league – at least in London, you can finally do better than him! Besides, do you really want to stay here all summer, watching him flirt with his other girlfriends?”

            Mysti shook her head forcefully in reply. “Okay, but only because you always convince us in the end, anyway…and I guess it is a good idea.” Alezna scoffed, rolling her hazel eyes around. “But are you sure? I mean, remember how the mashed potato thing turned out?”

            “That was purely experimental! This, this is serious business; we’re going to find our soul mates! Or at least a real relationship – the boys here are pathetic.”

            Kazia whooped excitedly, “Then British boys here we come! You better be ready for us!” With one last sniffle from Mysti, they cracked smiles, giggling from the anticipation of an exciting summer to come.


Chapter Two


A fresh start in London – exactly what they all needed, Kazia more than the rest of them. Honestly, she was more screwed than anybody even realized – in fact, her shrink himself had encouraged a trip, which she could use as an excuse for her parents.

                She believed her situation was her own fault, but it was too late to remedy it now; in essence, her reputation at school was known as a slut. It started Freshman Year – homecoming. Before then, she was nice and normal, with straight A’s, a few clubs, and nothing to actually make her stand out. In fact, she was able to go by unnoticed, but that just wasn’t enough for her, was it?

                Kazia sighed, shaking her head as if to rid her mind of the unwanted memories, yet she knew she would never be able to. How was she supposed to forget when those same dreams kept reoccurring ever night?

                Kazia grabbed the joystick of her mini pink convertible; she had learned that rather than fighting the rumors, it was better to just go along with the reputation she already had – it wasn’t as if it was untrue anyway. Shifting the gear into drive, she slammed the accelerator, and managed to run the speed limit twice over as her mind drifted once more. It didn’t matter anyhow; if anything happened, she could manage the police, either by her looks or her parent’s money. Kazia knew she was extraordinarily lucky, but somehow, she just couldn’t be happy with it. How could she when He didn’t even acknowledge her anymore?

                Honestly, it was an embarrassment that she had feelings for him, but her body just couldn’t control the rages she felt every time he passed by. Hopefully, the London trip could change all of that.

                Lost in her thoughts, a blue Porsche that had cornered her car slipped unnoticed from Kazia’s mind until the very last second. She halted her brakes harshly, and caught her breath quickly before displaying her middle finger to the other driver.

                An impossibly handsome man got out, and she couldn’t help checking him out – his perfect shoes down to the toned muscles underneath a thin V-neck. He smirked at her, and she slowly narrowed her eyes, as if daring him to talk.

                As Kazia pushed open the door of her own car, he sneered, bowing exaggeratedly. “Hello, my dear lady.” Kazia raised a perfectly-trimmed eyebrow, and he swiftly dropped the act. Stepping forward to rub a warm finger across her shivering neck, he breathed out a shaky sigh, displaying the vulnerability behind his confident words. “I think you know what I want.” Kazia’s eyes widened in realization of her reputation from the outside world.

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