I know how the story ends now

7 1 4

song about my daddy issues, yum

[Verse 1]
should I thank you for the fish tank or
scream about the bad dream and cry
my eyes dry? I'm high on the lack of
a father figure and good-byes
you can't bring yourself to crack a smile
although you can smack the living out of me
your once giving hands are now unforgiving
you never show up, you never see me glow,
only criticize how I grow

you say I'm too defensive towards him
but no one defended me when he'd hurt me
you caused anger to rise in me, agitate me, made me birth exasperation, foundation
of my body was built on pain, my brain
is made of paper to you, rip it apart again,
bloodstains on my sweat pants hurt less
than your words, explain my art in your words 'cause you think you're the shrink

[Verse 2]
you make me want to turn my humanity off
you drive me to an insanity you could never control, your goal is to break my already shattered soul, you stole from me what eveything a daughter would have wanted
I was a whole but you grew in me an unending black hole
"cut me some slack" I hear my voice crack
I don't have no choice but to hate you
I'd wait for you to teach me how to skate
but I know how the story ends now

you say I'm too defensive towards him
but no one defended me when he'd hurt me
you caused anger to rise in me, agitate me, made me birth exasperation, foundation
of my body was built on pain, my brain
is made of paper to you, rip it apart again,
bloodstains on my sweat pants hurt less
than your words, explain my art in your words 'cause you think you're the shrink

I won't let you in my life
but I long for you to be a part of it
you made me grow strong by using
your wrong parental methods
but an eight year old shouldn't be strong yet
I want to show you my art and my songs
but I know you'll find their flaws so I won't
teach me how to use advanced shit
but I'll prove you wrong by already knowing

you say I'm too defensive towards him
but no one defended me when he'd hurt me
you caused anger to rise in me, agitate me, made me birth exasperation, foundation
of my body was built on pain, my brain
is made of paper to you, rip it apart again,
bloodstains on my sweat pants hurt less
than your words, explain my art in your words 'cause you think you're the shrink

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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