I'm alive

20 2 93

so, wow haven't come on here in a while so I thought I'd make one of those again but I already did make this one in the first chapter of this book so here's an updated version cuz reading it made me realize I apparently changed a lot

1. name?

2. zodiac sign
I'm a pisces and it's basically my personality trait

3. three fears
dying alone
being forgotten

4. three things I love
my partner and my friends

5. best friends

6. best first date
I haven't been to one I don't think so

7. how tall am I

8. what do I miss
my boyfriend

9. what time was I born
afternoon I think it was like 1-4 pm ish? not sure really

10. favorite color

11. do I have a crush
yes, my girlfriend

12. favorite quote
"art is chaos taking place" and litearlly any line from ghost boy by martin pistorius

13. favorite place
the beach

14. favorite song
love it if we made it by the 1975 and daddy issues by the neighborhood but these are all time favorites

15. eye color
dark brown/black

16. ever prank called

17. favorite movie
me before you

18. how do I feel right now
sleepy and artistic but too lazy to paint

19. someone I love
my partner

20. current relationship status
in love <3

21. favorite holiday
I don't really have one tbh

22. tattoos and piercings
the two classic ear piercings but I wish I had way more

23. last book I read
the vampire diaries: the struggle

24. do you get morning/ night texts

25. weird fact about you
if you spell my name backwards, it's the same

26. first fandom
one direction

27. nicknames
mar, mar bear (luvsweetheartluke), my mom calls me a lot of nicknames such as lollipop in arabic and "my van gogh" cuz I paint

28. favorite actor
sam claflin, robert pattinson and for actresses, emilia clarke

29. what are you allergic to

30. how did you get your name
my father gave it to me lmfao, my name doesn't have a like special meaning behind it but it means goal

31. do you keep a journal
no but I used to

32. favorite memories
well, I have a lot but watching a bunch of movies with my mom and friends because I've been doing that a lot recently

33. my pets
I wish I had any but I don't but I did have a fish when i was a kid

34. would you go ski diving
I'd love to

35. favorite day of the year
march 28

36. what's your ringtone
I think it's hope for the underrated youth by yungblud

37. thing you can't leave the house without
a mask

38. most memorable day of this year
may 1, the day my gf asked me out :)

39. insecurities
my teeth, my height, my nose, etc.

40. pet peeves
chewing loudly, people not putting things back to their places or just not being organized in general

41. do you take drugs/ drink

42. sexual orientation

43. met anyone new today?

44. weird childhood story?
my face once got stuck in between a table when I was a baby

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