
180 10 16

Jungsu💕 :

Good morning sunshine🌞~~

I hope you had a nice, relaxing amount of sleep cuz I did~~

And I think I had a dream about you dunno-

It was pretty bizarre..🤐

y/n :

Good morning jerk

Dream about me??


And stop calling me sunshine😒

At least u had a good time sleeping, my night was horrible ughh🥲

Jungsu💕 :

Can you like stop calling me jerk🥲

Its still Jungsu :')

y/n :



Calling you by your name is pretty unoriginal lolol

I bet everyone else calls you Jungsu

So lemme be different😜

Jungsu💕 :


They call me Jungsu cuz thats my name😪

y/n :

tHeY cAlL mE jUnGsU cUz ThAtS mY nAmE

Not my fault i'm not like the other girls okay🤭

I definitely wont call you any cringy pet names or stuff

So jerk it is

Cuz ur a jerk lol

But like the good kind🙃

Jungsu💕 :

NoT mY fAulT i'M nOt LiKe ThE oThEr GiRlS oKaY🤪

And I dont even want you to call me any cringe pet names

Just Jungsu would be enough😪

And uhm?

tHe GoOd KiNd??🤪

Jerk is kinda an insult just sayin'

y/n :

Skdkdk stop clowning me😭

And and ik

But idk

Ur kind a jerk

Or a dork idk😝

Happy Death Day!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora