Demons and Beach Nights

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Listen well you don't know me and I don't know you but if you found the crasik you're just like me if that's good if it's bad you'll decide by the end of the roll. There's so much to tell and very limited time to share everything so I'll try my best. My name is Hestia Drakos and on December 19th my world flipped.

The day started out normal I got out of bed at 7 am got ready and went to school, came from school, and went to my parents' diner. Something worth mentioning I worked there three days a week and that specific day my parents were out of town, they trusted me to be responsible and I was, I was the golden child.

So regular as clockwork I got in time for my shift and three hours later things started to go terrible.

I walked back behind the counter and started making a customer's milkshake I tried to swallow down the anxious, bad feeling in my stomach that I grew to hate but trust.

See that feeling was always followed by something strange and weird happenings. A year ago when was I fourteen and two humongousley tall men came up to me and tried to convince me that my parents send them the feeling grew from anxious to worried till it felt like it was burning me up inside and when one tried to grab my hand it sizzled and then they were confronted by a teacher and left scowling like they didn't like what they smelled. 

Enough sidetracking though.

Yeah, making a milkshake and then the manager Aiden came behind the counter and checked his phone he smiled typed something "Ooh is that Ms. Cameron Jasper?" I teased as his face turned scarlet. "Listen Hes, we've got a date and I have to leave at 5:45 exactly if I want things to go according to my plan, could you lock up? Please and thank you!?"
"Sure thing go have fun you deserve it!" I replied. Boy was that a mistake.

So fast forward closing time I locked up and walked home. The diner and my house weren't in the bad neighborhood the only thing that's worth mentioning was Jeremiah Millers' bike getting stolen. The neighborhood was the line between the rest of Florida and the Atlantic. So you can walk between the houses next to the beach and see the ocean.

It was one of those nights where I was either stressed, tired, or on the brink of a mental breakdown, or all of the above. So I walked between Patricia Sebastian's flat and the family with five kids that I didn't know. It was way too cold to go swimming and freezing but still calm. I took off my sneakers and sat with my feet deep in the sand.

The feeling in my stom- let's call it Dowling. So Dowling was like the core of this fever. I decided not to take any chances and got up to head home. As I got up I felt this pull to the ocean. Ever tried to keep two magnets apart while having them so close to each other?
I felt it calling me like if I go in there I'll leave all my problems behind no worry of grades, parental pressure girls at school like I'll have no worries. No. There was a voice in my head it was strong confident and powerful it's not possible don't do it, Hestia, it's a trap. I don't know why and I don't know how but I trusted it. I fought the call and turned the neighborhood seemed miles away I burst into a run but it seemed the more I run the farther home seemed to be.

I turned around and a woman was standing there she was Indian like I was but she was so beautiful that I felt jealous. She looked exactly like I wish I did she had clear skin and smooth arms beautiful wavy hair and eyes of liquid gold. She had everything I wished I had and all the things I like about myself ten times over.

"I must say I'm surprised not many can resist my call, you Hestia Drakos have a fiery spirit it's a pity I have to kill you,"  she says it's sad she has to kill me with no remorse whatsoever.

My heart was racing my skin was burning and I'm confused I felt the fear build up about what is happening, her nails caught my attention they were like claws razor-sharp and about two inches long. Perfect for gutting someone so gradually I did the only smart thing I could think of.

I ran

Turned in the opposite direction and sprinted she appeared in front of me and rolled her eyes,  "Enough games girl, the armies underestimate my strength so now your heart will be a spoil of war for Leila" she growled and I tried to move but I couldn't. So when she launched I surprised myself by catching her hand's centimeters from my throat. When my hands came in contact with her wrist it sizzled like droplets of water on a hot pan.

My new friend let out a howl pulled away looking at the 2nd-degree burn shape of my hands on her wrists and looked at me with the most insatiable look I saw. "At least they match?" I said to my surprise out loud while trying to move.

Her round eyes turned oval-shaped and she came at me again. This time before she grabbed me I felt a giant cold presence when I opened my eyes there was a giant white hole for split second then it disappeared in front of where it was stood a girl facing the hot demon lady she stepped back now standing right in front of me. She muttered more to herself than me "Rākṣasī?!"

"Thgil patron moves the ash face is mine!" She growled but took a step back when my new protector pulled a gold shield so bright I had to close my eyes but got my ability to move back I walked backward until I tripped and fell.

The demon lady hissed but launched again and was met with a strike from the shield it burnt the middle of her face where it hit and I knew she couldn't last long.

She stood feebly "I will have revenge I will gut you when Leila releases me from my punishment, Thgil patron your world as you know it will change new domination will emerge and you will endure eternal torture!"

She launched and grabbed the shield getting shot back by a surge of light and lay lifelessly. Another figure more demon-looking came out from the shadows and looked at the girl she nodded at him. He looked down at the lifeless body flicked two fingers at it and a see-through version of the lady floated out behind him the two walked into the shadows and were gone.

The girl looked at me and reached down and gave me her hand I hesitantly took it there was a quiet sizzled she swore and pulled away. With a cautious look, she said you are an Erif patron, you'll need to come with me Leanne would want to see you"

I stepped back and asked: "who's Leanne?" She looked at me with a stern look and said "You will refer to her as Mistress Athena, and she is the Protector of the Cigam realm."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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