Chapter fifteen~ "You made me do this."

Start from the beginning

“Eelii, please go home before you get hurt.” I pleaded with him; this could only end badly for him. But he seemed oblivious to me, and kept walking with his hands in fists and his face in a smooth, troubled, frown.

“Eliyn told me not to come. She can’t stop crying, you know? You disappointed all of us. You let us down, Vi.” He snarled, still walking towards me, as I stumbled backwards in the stupid dress.

“Well, you’re not the only one that’s disappointed.” I snapped, I really needed to make this argument believable; Tristan’s life was depending on it. Eelii scoffed.

“What could you have been disappointed in, Vi, we gave you everything you could ever ask for and yet you still betrayed us!”

“Well maybe everything wasn’t enough.”

I was now stood with my back against the wall, as he closed in on me. Eelii’s arms were suddenly gripping my shoulders and his face millimetres away from me. I could feel his deep breaths on my lips.

“I care for you, Vi. I care for you way too much than I should. But Myllic won’t win this war without you,” He said, “And I’m afraid if you don’t come back to Myllic with me I’m going to have to kill you.”

Leo jumped up, running at Eelii in another attempt to save me but had the same outcome as last time. He was flung against the other wall.

“Anna, fight him, he’s only allowing you close! Fight him!” Leo’s orders went in one ear and out the other because all I could think about was how much Eelii cared for his kingdom. He really wanted to win, and if I was making that impossible he’d have to get me out of the way. I gulped.

“Eelii,” I said, and tears queued up in my eyes, “I-I’m really sorry-” My voice wavered and just before I could say anything else he had a knife in his hand and was pressing it against my throat.

I really wanted to tell him that I wasn’t here because I hated Myllic, I wanted to tell him that I was only here to save Tristan, but I knew I couldn’t.

“Please come back with me; please don’t make me do this.” He whispered. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something to say, or something to do to get him away from here and make him stop hurting. But I couldn’t do that without giving it away, and giving it away meant no Tristan.

I used my powers to knock him off me and onto the floor, but as soon as I did it I felt guilty for hurting him and stopped my attack. I stared down at him, uncontrollable crying inside but keeping a stern face outside.

“You made me do this.” He said just before he jumped up and knocked me sideways off my feet. The knife was pressed against my throat and a sharp pain started to grow and I realised he was really doing it. He was really trying to kill me. I choked and put my hand on his arm, pleading him to stop, but he kept avoiding my eyes. I knew he wouldn’t be able to do it if he looked into my eyes.

“Anna!” Leo’s shouts seemed to gain my attention again and I tried to look over at him, standing as close as he could before Eelii threw him back again.

When I looked back to Eelii’s guilty face, he was looking back. And that’s just what I wanted. He saw the purity in my eyes, the sympathy and the guilt. Surely that would be enough to make him stop trying to cut off my head.

Suddenly he threw the knife across the floor and gulped. Pulling me into a hug, he rambled on about how sorry he was. I kept stern though, I didn’t want to give anything away to Leo and his family.

“Get. Away. From. Her!” Leo shouted, kicking Eelii off me. He flew into the wall and with one last sorrowful look at me he disappeared back to Myllic.

There were a few moments of silence, while I stared at the wall which Eelii had been stood in front of. My right hand rose to my forehead and rubbed it slightly as if I had a head ache. But I didn’t have a head ache, just a heart ache.

“Are you ok, dear?” Leo’s mom asked, walking up to me, inspecting my neck. It was slightly cut, and I could feel a drop of blood dribble down and soak into the collar of my dress.  I closed my eyes hard and tried to make Myllic know I was sorry for leaving. Was it true my mom couldn’t stop crying?

“I’m fine.” I dismissed, walking away from her and towards my room sharply. Well, I was in Trys. People were meant to be cold hearted here.

I walked into my room and shut the door. The wooden door that seemed to dark of a brown to be wooden. Maybe they painted it purposely to look even darker. I glared at the small chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It had a totally of five candles on it, and only three of them were a lit. I shivered, they must be the only form of heat in the room as well as light, apart from the small square window in the corner.

Back in Myllic, everything was so light, you could barely see. But here in Trys it’s exactly the opposite. How did they live like this? Surely they must have known they are the bad guys by now.

But maybe that’s what they want.

A few days ago, when I had first met Leo’s mom, at the ball, she had been sharp and snake like. But now, she seemed more of someone in need of someone to talk to.

She actually seemed like she cared a tiny bit. Not that she’d show it to anyone she didn’t trust, like my mother.

My mother. Who couldn’t stop crying because of my absence.

Well, she was the one who had sent me away to earth in the first place. I bet she hadn’t missed me that much then. But now, when I was needed to win the war, she missed me. Coincident? I think not.

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