"Precisely. How can you fuck someone with that size of an acorn?" I said mocking him. Of course, it's a lie. He's got a monstrous cock like what I've seen in Pornsites. I swallowed the lump on my throat but tried my best to maintain my composure. I can't lose this.

I saw how his jaw clenched together with his brows forming a straight line; he looks so pissed off. But he was able to fire back and said, "You speak too much. Tell that to me after we had sex already. I wonder how you'd cry in too much pain because of my small cock, like an acorn. Psych!"

He fixed himself and then walked out living me dumbfounded. I admit, It always felt so good every time he touched me. I will never forget the first time we spent the night together after the wedding when his mouth landed on my bosom; and it didn't only happened once. I sometimes even think doing wilder stuff with together as we indulge in sex. Arrgh! This is so frustrating.

"I'm sorry..." He uttered out of a sudden. His voice is warm and sincere.

"You shouldn't have seen that. You're still young and too pure. I promise, I won't let that happen ever again."

I wanted to say a word but I just coudn't. He smiled and hug me.

"Valnce, this I oath to you, thay throught out this marriage, I won't do things that would be againts your will. I promise I will keep you chaste until it's time for you to leave and be with the person whom you trully belong."

"Shut up, Duke! You're making me wanna cringe! Geeze!— Agh! Agh! Agh! Hey, stop it! Let go of me!" He suddenly pinch my cheek and started laughing.

"Ugh! My wife's so adorable. Come, let's go back to sleep." He hugged me from behind as we took our step out of the room.



"How was my sister? Does she always gives you hard time?"

"Not really. As a matter of fact, we've had already taken the hang of it and we're now used to each other. Vlance is not really that what people think. I admit, she's different for a lady but that makes her even more extraordinary. She's a powerful lady." I smiled.

Vlad and I decided to play chess, here at his office after we finished discussing about a business we're planning to establish.

"You know what? You're acting really different lately. I couldn't pinpoint what exactly it is but something in you really changed. I noticed you've gotten a bit lenient with some matters, unlike before that don't allow room for mistakes; and time for you is like gold that you don't like not even a second to get wasted; but recently, you started to consider a matter even if it fails and it's just fine with you even if more time will get wasted to get things done..."

"Tell me, what happened?"

"I just realized, I'm being too hard with myself that for almost twenty-five years, I already missed half of my life... And that's all thanks to your sister... She made me realize what's the true meaning of life. She thought me that mistakes are just normal and it's just a part of growing and living."

Something fell on the ground so I picked it, but before I could even touch it, I saw some pictures that scattered on the floor and it brought me chills.

I saw a wounded man soaked with his own blood lying on the ground. He looks like he was being tortured. I froze in horror.

"That's what I'm gonna do to people who wronged us," without me even asking, Vladimir said those words filled with nothing but wrath.

I MARRIED A PSYCHO [The Eligible Bachelors Series]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon