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"Tell all of your friends that I'm crazy and  drive you mad. That i'm such a stalker, a watcher, a physocapath. And tell them, you hate me  and dated me just for laughs. So why do you call me and tell me you want me back. You maniac."

"OMG, you guys. I'm telling you guys. Mike is like literally obsessed with me."
Maryse smirked at her friends.

"How can you tell?" Alexa asked.

"He,uhm....Oh! He sent me flowers with like a letter inside and you won't guess what it said."

"What did it say?"

Maryse looked around her bedroom trying to think of something. Aha!

"It said ' you are forever mine.' "

Her friends looked at each other and giggled and Maryse giggled with them.

"Oh my gosh! Do you think he has a crush on you?"  Maya,one of Maryse's best friends asked.

Everyone looked at her.

Maryse faked a smile. "Gee, Maya, I don't know. Let's ask him." The sarcasm was clear to everyone- except Maya.

"Hmm..Okay! But I don't have his number but I'll ask him at school tomorrow!" Maya smiled energetically.

Becky face palmed herself. "Maya, she was being sarcastic."

Maya looked at her bluntly, not understanding a thing she said.

Becky sighed. "That means she didn't  mean what she said."

Maya made an 'oh' face.

"But why would you say something you don't  mean?" Maya asked. Grabbing tbe attention in the bedroom.

Charlotte looked at her." Maya- wait, that makes sense actually."

Maryse smiled at Maya. Maya was just playing with her fox brown hair.

Maya was not the brightest or the smartest in the group. But she was the moodmaker.

"Anyways,as I was saying-" Maryse got cut off by her phone that was ringing.
She looked at the ID and it was an unknown number.

"Sorry guys, I'll be right back." Maryse whispered to her friends before strpping out of the room and at the end of the hallway.

She asnwered.


"Hi, is this Maryse?" The voice from the other end asked with a delicate  male voice that Maryse knew too well.

"Yeah....." She said nervously.

And suddenly that delicate voice turned to an angry one.

"I thought we talked about this Maryse! Why do you keep telling people we dated even though you know we didn't?"

Maryse smirked and rolled her eyes. "Why not?" She retorted.

Maryse heard Mike sigh on the end.

"Look Maryse, I like you but not like that-" Mike got cut off.

"Then like what? Mike? Becaus every time I go to your house, we cuddle, watch movies and sit on the couch! Is that not what couples do?" Maryse almost yelled but she didnt her friends to hear her.

"Yes  Maryse, but that is also what friends do." Mike tried to stay calm.

"Yeah, friends with benefits." Maryse said with an annoyed voice and rolled her eyes.

"Maryse!" Mike scolded.

"Look Mike, I don't care whether you have a girlfriend or not.  Hell, whether you like boys or not. You are mine. And nobody, not even you can change that."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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