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A daughter grows in a family, completes education, achieves her dream, becomes a perfect person.
AFTER all these achievements when she gets married does that mean she is coming near to ending of the story?
IS this only me that has these feeling?

A girl comes to a world. She gets to know the surroundings. She starts a life. She starts to learn new things everyday. She starts going to kindergarten. She grew everyday. She completes her education with undergraduate to graduate to postgraduate.
She starts working related to her faculty.
She earns good amount. She helps at home and does all she ever wanted to do.
She had freedoms as per her wish. Though she has to stay around the boundary that every girl has to stay in about wearing certain type of dress,not going at wrong places,etc. Those things were she accepts in positive manner. She wants well wishes for herself as her parents wants it to be.


When a MARRIAGE was introduced to her....

At first her dream might had been finding a better half. She may have dreamed about finding a best person who would always guide her to best, who would support her in every step of her life. She might dream to get married to a person who would love her unconditionally.

Here she always thought about two individuals. But seriously marriage combines two family together. It holds many individuals into one knot.

After marriage, a girl who grew to a woman ,the independent woman, starts her new life with her partner. She leaves her parents, neighbourhood, life style, etc to start a new life with her partner. This is more like coming to the world as a baby. This is where she has to start as a baby, who doesn't know how to speak, how to walk.

AND here her support is her HUSBAND.

Parents who has a daughter knows that she would have to leave and start living with her husband's house.
They knows beforehand.


Parents who has a son never thinks that their son also could leave and start living with his wife's house.
They never wanted to think that way.

REMINDER:: Husband's house / Wife's house is a separate life that consists only two individuals, a married couple.

Parents who has a son always had a thought of bringing a daughter-in-law who might someday take their son to her side. Weak part is a mother who never wants her son to focus only on his wife. The jealousy, insecurities inside a mother of son is undeniable.

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