Part 2

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We begin this chapter with Y/n and Subaki walking down the streets of the new world they found themselves in, looking around in marvel and confusion as to how they got there and where they were

Subaki: "Well I'd say from the looks of things, I'd say this is some kind of fantasy world with medieval style culture" 

As she said this, a couple anthropomorphized creatures walked by them, going about their day as usual

Y/n: "A place where demi-humans are common place and there's always some type of adventure to go on" 

Subaki: "Exactly! And in this magical world, I must've-" 

???: "Hey, watch out!" 

The sound of a young child screaming in fear caught everyone's attention as they turned to see the source was a small boy who had fallen on the middle of the road as a cart was heading in his direction at full speed 

Y/n: "Looks like I'm up, be back in a second!" 

With that, Y/n dashed towards the kid and held up his left hand as the mark began to glow white and white smoke came from the hand and within the blink of an eye, Y/n teleported towards the kid, grabbed him, and then teleported across the street, out of harms way and only a few moments later, the cart being pulled by a large lizard sped right past them 

Y/n: "You alright?" 

The kid looked up at Y/n and nodded his head as the nearby civilians on both sides of the streets began to cheer for what just happened as a knight in iron armor approached him, seemingly out of breath after running in heavy armor 

Knight: "Good job kid, I'm afraid I wouldn't've made it in time" 

Y/n: "No problem" 

Letting the kid go, he quickly ran back to his parents as Y/n stood up and brushed the dirt from his pants

Knight: "I ain't ever seen magic like that before though, where're you from?" 

Y/n: "Karnaca, a kingdom from far away, and I guess you could say the magic's hereditary too"

Knight: "I see, well, I won't keep you. Have a good day" 

Knight: "You too" 

With that, Y/n blinked back to Subaki who had an impressed smile on her face as they continued walking

Subaki: "Only ten minutes in and you're playing hero" 

Y/n: "What can I say, If I've got magic, I might as well use it"

Eventually, they found themselves in a marketplace and passing by a storefront, Y/n noticed Subaki had come to a stop at one of the stalls, a look of realization on her face as she stared at the text and Y/n did the same and he realized something too 

Y/n: "I have no idea what this says" 

Shopkeep: "Hey you two" 

Getting their attention, they looked towards the owner of the stall who had a grin on his face he examined the two 

Shopkeep: "You two ain't from around here, are you?" 

Y/n: "No sir, how can you tell?" 

Shopkeep: "Well you're wearing some strange clothes, I ain't ever seen fashion like that before"

Y/n: "Yeah, I've heard that earlier today too, it's from our homelands, a small set of island" 

Shopkeep: "Well then, welcome to Lugnica, I hope you have a wonderful time" 

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