My first race

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It has been a few weeks since the preseason testing and I am nervous. This time it is because of the fact that it is my first race weekend as a Formula 1 driver. The thing is I know the exact questions that they will ask. For example, how would I deal with the pressure of going directly to Red Bull or worse? How will I handle the possibility of demotion? The thing is I know for a fact that I will be putting up a fight. Right now I am getting ready for the press conference. It turns out that I am probably overthinking things since it is only the first race of the season. I can feel Max's glances. I reckon that he is trying to work out if I am too nervous. Thankfully I am pulled out of my thoughts by my PR officer.

"Neko, you just need to remember that most of the questions should be directed at Max. So you should be fine," My PR officer informs me.

"I will still be careful. I am sure that the media will find a way to twist my words," I responded. After one more minute of waiting, we are finally herded into the main area. Well here goes. It doesn't take long for the questions to start.

"Neko, how do you feel as Red Bull's first female driver? Surely there will be a lot of pressure for you to perform?" Well of course that kind of question had to be the first.

"Honestly I don't care. Gender should not play a role in how I am defined as a driver. As for the second part of your question, the pressure will only be an issue towards the end of the season," I give my honest answer. I just hope that that question is the first and only question about my situation that I face. Plus the pressure will be on Max since he will be the most dominant driver of the team. As the press conference goes on I find myself slowly getting annoyed with the questions. To be fair, like my PR officer said, They are being directed mostly to Max with a few with both of us being asked. Thankfully the press conference ends on a positive note. It is the day after and I wake up to an interesting sound. Yelling. I know the source of the commotion since the language the yelling is in is Japanese and Yuki is the only other Japanese driver. To be fair I wasn't really woken up by the yelling. The reason why I woke up was due to the fact that it is the start of my hopefully long career at Red Bull. I am quick to get changed. I double-check that I have everything in my backpack before heading to Yuki's room to check on him. I tentatively knocked on the door.

"I'm coming Pierre," He replies.

"It's Neko," I called back. I find myself trying to hold back a giggle. It doesn't take long for Yuki to open the door.

"Sorry about that. Is there anything that I can do for you?" Yuki asks.

"Nah I just came to check that your PlayStation is in one piece," I lighten the mood with a joke.

"It's all good. Can I get you a cup of tea while you're here?" Yuki offers.

"If you have any," I take him up on his offer. Yes, I don't drink coffee. I never have and I never will. He gestures for me to join him in his room. He soon gets to work on finding some tea. Luckily for me, he finds some. It doesn't take long for him to get it ready for me.

"Did my yelling wake you up?" Yuki asks. He is clearly embarrassed.

"No. It was the excitement of going into my first F1 weekend," I responded as Yuki passed me the cup of tea. After an hour of idle chatting, Yuki and I parted ways for now. After another ten minutes of waiting, I finally began my short journey to the track. For some reason, my mind drifts to the consequences of me stuffing up. I just hope that I can avoid unfair demotion. Thankfully the thought soon leaves my mind as I find a parking spot. I notice that Max has parked next to me.

"Morning Max," I greet the Dutchman as I grab my sunglasses from the car. The thing is I am not really bothered by the sun as much as some of the others but sunglasses make for a good way to ruin photos by the paparazzi. I know for a fact that there will be a lot of those people.

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