Introduction - Chapter 1

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"Jordan get off me", I screamed as he put his hands down my clothes, "Jordan I'm not playing with you get off", I tried to push him off but the more I tried the tighter he held on to me.

    "Why baby I thought you liked it?", I sighed, I really didn't but I didn't want to loose him again.

     "I do but not when I'm on my....." I said, as I began to blush in embarrassment and I could see from his face he knew exactly what I was talking about. "errrrrggghhh", he suddenly let go of me, and his face was filled with disgust.

  "You mean to tell me you came into my house, came in my room, jumped on my bed, and let me touch you up and your own your P.....your your on your, your PERIOD!" he shouted, and by now almost the whole neighborhood could hear.

   "Jordan why do you have to be such a bum i'm a girl so I am meant to have my......., you know.....", how embarrassing, having to tell your boyfriend your on your period.

   "So isn't there some sort of tablet or something you can take, like that's what some girl that I........." he realized what he was saying and quickly rephrased himself, "Oh Shit, I mean that's what I heard". Right now I felt to just slap him across the face, and in my head I could imagine his light smooth skin, turn pink.

    "SHUT UP! all you do is chat so much bullshit........, you know what I'm leaving".

     "wait babes am sorry".

    I just ignored him and slammed the door in his face, and as I came out the entrance of the flat, he opened his window and shouted "So are you gonna come back, when your not on your, you know...... period init!", what a fool. How can he be so embarrassing. I just kissed my teeth and kept on walking.

   And right then that's when I realised how much of a prick Jordan was. All he really wanted me for was sex. What a useless piece of S.H.I.T, kmt. I swear me and him are done.

Jordan lived by himself, he got kicked out when he was turning 16 for getting some girl pregnant, and when he realised the girl was lieing and just wanted to tie Jordan down, he changed the way he used to act towards girls, and instead of being sweet and compassionate towards girls, he turned to a heartless, heart breaking, inconsiderate player. When I met him I thought I could change that. But I guess am wrong, standard.

    Sorry I meant to have introduced myself. My name is Vennell Natasha Adekemi Adesanya. Yes, my full African name. I am a Nigerian and proud to be one. Im 16 years old. I was born and raised in Peckham, Yellow Brick. Those of you from South East would know or would have heard about Peckham. 

    Peckham is not the greatest place to live in and having parents like mine doesn't  make it easier. Anyway let's get back to me........,

I have hazel Brown eyes, long dark brown curly hair, and honey brown skin, I am about 5'3 (yes I know I am short) I have the perfect body figure big thighs, big bum, big chest, flat belly and a thin waist (I have to workout to keep this figure LOL). Just to let you know I AM NOT VEIN! I just appreciate the way God made me.

    I'm guessing your wondering who Jordan is, Jordan is my boyfriend and how I meet him is actually quite funny. The typical black boy how to cherps a girl routine.


"Oi you", a voice called from behind me. Am not sure who this Preston thinks he is oi'ing me like am some any dog. Not even bothering myself with the guy I quickened my steps. "Oi babes, girl with the big batty" pausing I looked around, looked in the air and kept on walking.

I then heard doorstep quickening behind me realisation hit me that he was running after me , I then felt him tap at my shoulder. I turned around ready to  scream at him to leave me the fudge alone, expecting to see some buterz boy, but to my surprise in front of me was one of the most beautiful mixraced boys I have seen, he was about 5'11, he had a fresh trim, his eyes where greenish, yellowish. He had the most sexist body shape, and his swag was on point.

He smiled at me before speaking "Sorry to disturb you ma'am, but I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are", I realised that he was trying to be polite. Funny thing was I aware he wasn't doing no road thing, how did he go from street boy, to some sweet boy.

As embarrassing as I am I just stood there with my mouth right open, blinking my eyes. He raised one eyebrow and then said "Hey, beautiful, what's your name?"

Clearing my throat, I fixed myself a bit before answering him "Umm, my name is Vennell, and I guess it's my cue to leave" I decided to play up to see what he's like so giving a little attitude and acting stoosh was just my way of flirting with a guy, I didn't want him to think I was easy to get.

Turning around ready to leave, I felt him grab at my wrist "Can, I at least have a few minutes of your time, it's just that I've seen you around and I'm kinda shy to ask for your name or number", Damn he got some soft hands. Wait, hold up did he say his shy. What a joke.

"Shy! haha, You! Shy, is shouting 'oi you' shy, wow in my dictionary that's definitely not shy do I look like some dog? That's definitely not how to address a lady".

He looked confused, scratching the back of his neck "Sorry but I thought girls like that" he replied looking adorable.

"See that's where you went wrong, you see me I'm not like other girls I'm different, I prefer boys to speak to me like a lady, not some sort of dog, now if you don't mind I'll be on my way, I have places to go people to see" I was about to turn to leave for the second time, when he stopped me yet again.

"Please just give me one more chance?" he begged trying to give me puppy eyes.

"Ok, fine what do you want?" I replied still acting stoosh.

"Your number", I just smiled and walked away swaying my hips.

"So your not gonna give me your number", I giggled to myself before turning to give him my number and walked away.

"I'll holla at you later yeah" he called out grinning proudly.

* end of flashback*


Hi guys that's the end to the first part of the story. Hope you enjoy if you have any suggestions comment.

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