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Uggh. Ez is a jerk sometimes. Write my favorite part, then hand it over to me once it’s done. TYPICAL Ezra. And of couse he does something stupid afterward like get lunch. We’re digital! We don’t eat! But of course he can’t live without his sandwiches, even with slobber on them. Don’t ask me why, because I don't know.
Anyways let it be known, I was spacing out because I was talking to Nick, NOT because I was daydreaming about Captain Jack. Who knows, maybe he’s the one who daydreamed about him and is just trying to just shove it onto me. I wouldn’t put it past him. But at least I was doing something useful. But we don’t need a record of mine and Nick’s conversations. I will say though, that I think at least all 19 of his shovels were mentioned.

So anyways Nick said we were going soon so I told Ez or SAGE  as he said. And then I told Captain Jack we had to leave, he wished us goodbye, and then we got deposited back in the warehouse.

“Hey! You’re back!” Al shouted as we tumbled onto the carpet from the digitation chamber.

“Yeah, wasn’t that the point?” I groaned as Ezra rolled off of my arm.
Al scratched the back of his head.
“Weeeeell, turns out we needed to bring you back before the broken circuit got too out of control.”
“Al, you weren’t supposed to tell them! I fixed it, now that it’s not supporting your connection to this realm.” Hannigan said, turning towards them in his swivel chair.

“Well, now they know, and all are happier. Also, since when did you have a swivel chair?”

“About two seconds ago, the same time as Ez and Lizz got their egg chairs.” Al turned around, and sure enough, we were hanging in mag-lev egg chairs.

“Huh? Since when were we sitting down?” Ez asked. I’ll admit, I was confused too.

“Erm, about that. I may have used an eternity stone to power everything in this warehouse, so logic and reality are kind of janky around here.” Hannigan said, scratching his head with a sandwich.

“Quack?” said a tall, muscular penguin in the back, holding a shovel with a diamond spade.

“Come on, let’s get ‘em!” and then a bunch of giant Jack of Aces cards dressed in federation gear charged out from a closet.

“Why does he get a diamond shovel?” Nick whined, pointing his 6 shovels he was holding at the penguin.
“You literally have 19 shovels and you want another?” Ezra asked as he climbed upon an alicorn.

“Captain Literally!” A man in a red and blue suit appeared in the middle of the room. And proceed to be trampled by a flock of war ostriches.
Erza laughed so hard he fell off of Declan, the alicorn while I sipped my tea while he regained his feet.

The man sat up from being trampled, spouted fake wings and started climbing on Ezra. Apparently  he was his “shoulder angel” because you “shouldn’t laugh at others' peril.”

“I am the king of the squirrels!” the same man shouted running out of the room eating a frozen block of candy, followed by an infinite amount of squirrels.

“Re-baaa!” shouted the tall muscular penguin with the diamond spaded shovel as a sheep in an old fashion cowboy hat ran past.

“Consider me gone!” she shouted as the penguin took chase.

Al was running around like a chicken with it’s head off. He ran and grabbed me, then yeeted me down into the basement and said, “Claim the sword. The shield will follow soon. FLY, YOU FOOL!” And that is where I'll end this chapter. I’ll let Ez tell you how they wrapped up the battle.

Signing off-Lizz

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