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Disclaimer- Lizz has a vision at the end that is definitely something

So, I think we can all agree that Ez is a stubborn idiot. And if you don’t, think again, and reread what just happened. Nick and Al remain the only ones who can get him to do anything that he doesn’t want to do. Not even me. ME! His own- well, best not give you spoilers, but if you’re clever enough, then surely you figured it out from the title. And speaking of reading, please tell the people you care about to read this, it could quite literally save their lives. Well anyways back to what’s happening at the moment.

Al led Ez off to who knows where and I was left in the kitchen with John and Nick, the latter was lovingly cleaning his shovel after making the pancakes on it. And I thought my life had reached maximum weirdness then. But no John looked over at me and said words I’ll never forget, “It’s time you met our friend William.”

First, Ezra is an idiot for thinking we could skip over this part. Second, even though Ez is an idiot, be assured I lo- nope, no spoilers. That’s a bad thing, although like I said if you're smart you’d have figured it out. Third, who has a disembodied head? Apparently John does. Wait, I’m ahead of myself, sorry.

We left Nick to continue cleaning up the kitchen and I followed John down a million hallways and several flights of stairs leading downwards. Ez was right, this was not a regular warehouse. We finally entered a room and there on a pedestal was a disembodied head. Yep, a living breathing (as well as it could) head, with no body in sight. I may have screamed when I saw it, but we aren't gonna talk about it. Or how I screamed when it talked.

“Good day, at least I hope it’s day time. It’s nice to see you, though, John, no matter the time. And who’s this girl you brought me? I suppose you want me to look into her future?”

“Yes, Lizz this is my good friend William, WIlliam this is Lizz. Now I’ll leave you two alone,” John said, slipping out of the room and shutting the door after him. I just stared at the head, speechless.

“Ah, you are disturbed by my appearance. That usually happens. Don’t worry, I do not take offense. My job is to show mortals things and to warn of da-” He suddenly cut off. Will’s eyes began to glow, and suddenly I was spiraling through a tunnel of blue and green swirls. When I landed, here’s what happened.

Lizzianna wandered through the frozen streets of an ancient and abandoned town. It was peaceful, which should have made her more wary. It didn’t. She heard panicked  screaming from the center of the town. She rushed to help, but stopped when she saw it. It was herself that was screaming, a perfect copy, wreathed in blue flame. The thing that looked like her was holding a bloody knife in one hand, and the ripped out heart of her true love in the other.

I sat up and immediately screamed at what I had seen. Since I’m about to throw up just recounting this, Ima stop for a bit. And maybe cry some too.
    Signing off- Lizzianna

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