Pushing the doors open, Hermione's mouth instantly dropped as she stepped inside with Draco. "This is all yours?"

"Soon to be ours..." he said wrapping his arms around her small frame planting a kiss on the side of her forehead.

Looking around Hermione was in sheer awe. Right when you walk in there was a few couches and armchairs around a fireplace with a door nearby that went out to his own private balcony. The room was a dark charcoal color with white furniture and white crowning lining the walls. Silver accents everywhere and the fireplace had a real fire in it not a fake one she had seen everywhere in the muggle world.

There was another set of matte black double doors that opened up into the actual bedroom part of the wing with an enormous king sized bed with extravagant bedposts on every corner and silk black sheets with emerald green blankets. A small bench placed at the end of the bed with a small cat bed on it. Two nightstands were on either side of the bed and next to them were two doors that led to the full wrap around walk in closet.

Off to the right side of the bed was double doors that led out to the private balcony again. On the balcony their was lights wrapped around the banister for Christmas and tons of couches and blankets.

To the left of the bed was the most beautiful bathroom Hermione had ever seen. It was brighter than the other two rooms she had seen with the marble countertops on the his and her sink with a giant mirror in front of it and the two gorgeous diamond chandeliers caught the light from the window perfectly lighting up the room. The floor was a beautiful obsidian tile. Across from the sinks was a giant claw food tub with silver feet. The shower was what had Hermione speechless. With similar tiles to the floor is was obsidian with small emeralds placed in between the tiles and was almost the side of a small room. It had a bench in it and overhead waterfall heads with more on the walls. It even had a small window looking out of the courtyards to bring in light.

As she turned to walk back to where Draco was reading a paper from his bedside table she could see her trunk in the closet. " I love it here, this is bloody incredible. Truly I think just your wing is bigger than my entire first floor in my home from when I was a child."

Laughing he started towards the door. "As much as I'd like to keep you in here all day, I want to show you the rest so you can at least somewhat navigate through here."

"Are we forgetting I'm the brightest witch of her age, show me once and I'll never get lost again." She joked.

"We'll see about that." he winked as they made their way down the grand staircase. Going to the right hand side after coming down he takes her to another office or study that his mom usually worked in before going to what he was most excited to show her.

In the remodel they tore out complete rooms such as their old formal dining room to create new ones like the library. They wanted the layout and house to be light years different from what it was. Draco bad always been a reader hence why he was number two in the class and thought the library would be the perfect edition. He knew once Hermione got here that it was one of the first things he wanted to show her knowing she would love it.

Entering the library he could hear her gasp. "I've been waiting to show you this, we just finished it this summer." he explained as she sat there speechless.

"I can't believe you have a whole library in your home!" she squealed as she looked around at everything. The built in bookcases lined all the walls and went rather high but they had built rolling ladders on each wall to get the hard to reach books. There was a grand fireplace with couches, chairs, tables, and blankets galore. It felt like home with all the wood and books with the cracking of the fire. Above the fireplace was a small family three with only Narcissa, Andromeda and her line and Draco.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now