Chapter 5: Troubles at Outpost Delta

Start from the beginning

Remembering the general words about avoiding any unnecessary harm or deaths, this limited Amelia and Kretschmer's options.

Turning to their new ally, Kretschmer whispers to Gen for assistance. "Do you know any magic spells that would work in this situation without harming her?"

"I could use a sleeping spell but it would take time for me to chant it," Gen replies.

"That'll do for now" Kretschmer agrees, "Let us distract her for you to prepare. Gen nods agreeing.

"Amelia, do what you do best at annoying our knight friend here."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean," Amelia sees Kretschmer glare at her telling her that he has a plan. " Fine, yo Emeryn, that's your name, right? Woman to woman, let's just talk it out."

"You are no woman you filthy demon, just an ugly creature hiding beneath that deceitful face of yours." Emeryn retaliates.

"Hey, hey, hey. Those are some hurtful words you know. Are you even a woman?" Amelia continues with annoying Emeryn. "A woman shouldn't be using such vulgar words."

Amelia takes one step forward. "Stay back!" Emeryn notices. "One more step or I'll kill you, you demon!" Her hands shake unable to control her fear.

Amelia turns and asks, "Hey, how long am I supposed to keep this up?"

"Almost there," Gen replies as she secretly prepares to trigger the spell.

"Ugh," Amelia tires as she has to keep distracting Emeryn. She turns back towards her. "How am I a demon, I'm pretty sure I'm human. I look like one enough to prove to be one, don't you think so?"

"..." Emeryn remains silently unable to reply.

"Can't speak, cat got your tongue?"

"Shut up!" Emeryn screams as it echoes throughout the room.

Behind her, Sophia's room opens and she walks out of the room noticing the mess she's about to get herself into. Emeryn looks back distracted. Amelia notices the chance to disarm her before it's too late. She runs into her with full force and they both hit the ground.

Emeryn's knife slips out of her hand and Sophia grabs it still not knowing what's going on. She struggles while Amelia has the upper hand since she has training in karate since young. She grabs her and puts her into a chokehold while still laying on the ground.

"The spell's ready!" Gen announces.

Amelia grab's a hold of Emeryn and makes her stand up while holding her still, unable to move around or use her hands.

"Do it now!" Kretschmer orders Gen.

Her hair starts to float and glow bright green. Small purple lights come out of her hands as she puts them out. They quickly flow towards Emeryn and she begins to lose consciousness, forcing her to fall asleep.

"Holy shit, that was awesome!" Amelia yells out witnessing magic for the first time.

Everyone in the room was just as surprised to see magic for their first time too.

"You did good Gen," Kretschmer pats her shoulder praising her. She blushes at the unexpected compliment.

Sophia stands there still not knowing what's going on. Kretschmer realises she had missed out on their conversation with Gen. He then tells Gen to use the 'Magic Tounge' spell on her so she could understand her.

"Next time, remember to lock your door." Says Amelia.

"Hey, it...okay."

Gen laughs, "You people are very strange but I think I'll enjoy this new adventure of ours. Just so you know, since my house was destroyed with the rest of my belongings, including my money. May I live here for the time being until I can get my own place?"

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