New Ventures

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Lilith walked a few paces behind the three men, taking in their handsomeness. Alpha wore a wool pea coat with jeans and leather oxfords. This added to the cocky air he gave off, a smile turning his lips up. Omega had styled his thick brown hair and had changed into slacks, a plain white t-shirt and a blazer. They all looked like they had stepped out of a magazine for men's fashion. Lilith gripped the wool jacket, wrapping it tightly around herself. She pushed her hair over her shoulder, letting it fall down her back. As they walked by, heads turned to stare at her companions. She couldn't blame them; she was staring too. They were stunning, manicured figures of masculinity. Tall, sculpted, and confident. Water then stopped, causing the other two men to pause.

"C'mon dear." Water held his hand out to her. She looked at the eyes that watched her now. With hesitation, she took his hand and moved to stand beside them. Water placed his hand on the small of her back, pulling her close to his side. They walked out of the airport with their bags in tow to a line of cabs' that were waiting for passengers. They walked to a van and loaded their things.

"Where to?" the cab driver asked. She forgot that they were in London too, which made her chuckle.

"The Radisson please." Alpha said. Alpha sat in the seat behind the driver alongside Omega, Lilith and Water sat in the back of the van. The van pulled away from the airport and drove toward the hotel. Lilith looked out the window, taking in the view. She had never been to London, her only international trip to France when she was a child.

"Where are you all from?" The cabdriver asked, looking back at them from the rear-view mirror.

"Sweden." Omega said, his accent sounding very thick suddenly. The drive was short, only about a mile. The hotel they pulled up to was grand, with tall windows and beautiful masonry. Alpha and Omega got out and took the luggage from the back. Water scooted out and started talking with the other two. Lilith slowly got out of the cab but paused to look at the cab driver.

"Thank you." She said and smiled sweetly. He stared at her, his jaw slowly dropping. He nodded and she exited to join her companions outside of the hotel. They entered the hotel lobby and she instantly felt she didn't belong. The entry foyer was lit by beautiful crystal chandlers, the light illuminating the marble floors and tall marble pillars. In the middle of the vast foyer sat a large circular leather couch. The service desk was made of marble and dark stained hardwood. Water walked up to the counter and was greeted by the concierge. He provided a last name Lilith had never heard and the concierge paused, scrolling through her computer.

"We have you in the family suite. It will be on the second floor." The woman said with a smile and handed him a small paper envelope with the room keycards. They made their way to the room, Lilith looking around at everything, a look of amazement still plastered on her face. The halls were bright, the carpet a beige with gold embossed designs. They entered the suite which had a living room area, kitchenette, and two bedrooms. Lilith walked to the left room, then paused. There was only one king sized bed in each of the bedrooms, no couch that would indicate a pull-out.

"You guys...Where is everyone sleeping?" she turned to them, a small pout on her lips. Water was digging in the mini bar, Omega and Alpha sat on the couch with their shoes kicked off.

"Well, pick your partner for the night Lilith." Alpha said with a devious smile. She looked the men over quickly, then bit her lip, turning back to the empty room. I wonder if they planned this she thought. Walking further into the bedroom, she set her suitcase by the window. With a small huff, she sat on the bed and slipped her shoes off. Though it was nearly 11:15 here, she wasn't tired at all. She worried that it would be hard to transition to this time zone, and whoever she slept next to might make that transition even more difficult. Taking off her coat, she walked back out to the living room, making a B-line to the mini bar that Water had already rifled through. She opened it and pulled out a little vodka and an orange juice box. She mixed the two in a tumbler and turned to them, leaning against the TV stand. Water was now sitting in a velvet armchair that sat next to the two-seat couch.

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