Chapter 20 : New Her

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Taecyeon POV

I'm here in the hospital with Suzy

Gianna is in comma now

She is alive because of the blood donated by Bora

But she is still unconscious for weeks passed

*knock* *knock*

Then I opened the door and saw Soo Hyun

Taecyeon : Why you don't visit my sister for weeks?

Yes he don't visit Gianna for the past few weeks

Not even once

Kim Soo Hyun : Sorry I'm busy for weeks how is she?

Suzy : You don't have to know

Kim Soo Hyun : I have to know because I'm her friend

Suzy : Maybe you're the reason why she is here!

Kim Soo Hyun : By the way I'm here to say that the photo shoot will be next month because she was accident

Taecyeon : You may go now

He go out of the room

I saw Suzy cry

I hug her

Taecyeon : Shh... Why are you crying?

Suzy : I can't hide my feelings anymore I miss GinGin already

Taecyeon : I miss her too but she will be okay please stop crying

She stop and fix her self

Suzy : Okay be okay for Gianna

Then we saw gianna's finger move

We immediately called the doctor

Taecyeon : Is that a sign that she will be awake?

Doctor : Maybe

Suzy : What maybe?

Doctor : It's like she can hear you but she can't move or even open her eyes

Suzy : Thank you doctor

Doctor : Just call me if something happen again

Suzy : Okay

Then the doctor came out

We walk to Gianna

Taecyeon : Gianna please open your eyes or move we are so worried about you

Suzy : It's okay just be strong for her

The door opened and I saw mom and dad

I run to them and hug them

Taecyeon : I miss you mom and dad I thought you are in Canada for business?

Mom : Is the business more important than Gianna? How is she?

Dad : Yes how is she? Is she alright?

Taecyeon : She is in comma for now but the doctor said she can be awake

Dad : That's good

They walk towards Gianna

Dad : Gianna please wake up we miss you

Mom : Yes you said we will have a family bonding together with Taecyeon and her girlfriend Suzy

I saw tears fall from my mother's eyes

Please Gianna for us your family wake up

I felt someone hug me I saw it's Suzy so I hug her too

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