Chapter 1

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"Alright. You know the drill. This channel is always active so if anything goes sideways...if anyone is making trouble where they shouldn't, it comes through me," you tell the holographic members of your team before they each disconnect until only Rhodey remains. "If this is about Barton, Nat is on it," you say with a heavy sigh as you firmly rub at your temples, trying in vain to dispel the tension headache that you can feel building there. "That's good to know, but I wanted to talk about Tony," he replies, quickly making a calming motion with his hands when your panicked gaze flicks up to meet his. "Everything's okay. He's fine...they're fine. Morgan's growing like a weed. Actually, I just wanted to see if you had had contact with him lately." You sigh again and give an unamused laugh. "What do you think?" Rhodey gives you a disapproving look that makes you squirm slightly in your seat. "I think that it has been five years and it is time for the two of you to get over yourselves and make amends," he says firmly. "It's not that simple Rhodey," you say quietly as his face softens. "It could be. Just think about it okay?" You nod your agreement as he disconnects before slumping forward and resting your head on the cool solid wood of your desk.

"Rough day?" a familiar voice asks from the doorway as you look up to give its owner a tired smile. Even after all of these years, the sight of Steve Rogers' solid frame leaned against your doorway did unspeakable things to your heart. Your eyes drank in the sight of him in his tight white t-shirt that was slightly covered by a navy jacket and his khakis that hugged his thighs and ass perfectly. With his freshly shaven face and his hair neatly combed back, he almost looked as young as the day you first met him eleven years ago. It was only in the dark shadows within his oceanic eyes with the hint of dark circles beneath them and the slight curve of his shoulders that seemed to bare an unknowable weight that you could tell that any time had passed. "Just another day," you answer as you extract yourself from your seat and wander over to him, throwing your arms around his neck and burying your face into his chest, soaking in his comfortingly masculine scent as his arms wrap around you. "How was your meeting? You're home earlier than usual."

"It went as well as it could," he says wearily as he runs his hands along the ridge of your spine in calming strokes. "Actually, I was hoping that maybe we could spend some time together...away from here for the evening." You pull back enough to look up into his face. "Everything okay?" His smile is reassuring as he gazes adoringly into your face. "Yeah, I promise everything is fine. I just...I think we could both use a break from all of this," he waves his arms vaguely before moving his hand to caress the side of your face in a loving gesture that has you eagerly nuzzling into his touch. "Besides, since when do I need an excuse to want you all to myself?" You laugh and stretch up on your toes to brush your lips teasingly against his. "Never," you murmur against his mouth, "I'm all yours for as long as you want me."
You shiver slightly at the early autumn chill that lingers in the evening air as you and Steve walk back towards the compound after a rare dinner out. A contented sigh escapes your lips when he wraps an arm around you, pulling you into his side as his warmth immediately envelopes you. "Do you remember when we first met?" he asks as he leans down to press a kiss to your sweet spot, sending a completely different type of shiver through you. "Of course I do," you giggle, "it's not everyday the Avengers were brought together for the very first time....I thought you and Tony would tear each other apart before we made it off of that helicarrier." He smiles gently down at you. "I remember the first moment I laid eyes on you, walking across landing area next to Nat, laughing at something she had said. I thought then that you were the most beautiful sight I had ever seen and for the first time, I felt lucky to have been frozen for 70 years just so that I could meet you...I still feel that way, y'know."

You halt your walking as you tilt your face up to meet his lips, your heart quivering at the sweetness of his statement. "I know it hasn't always been easy...especially these past five years. We've had our rough patches," he breathes against your lips as his eyes shine brightly. "(Y/N) Stark, I love you more than you could ever possibly imagine. You have been the best thing to ever happen to me and I wouldn't be half the man I am without you in my life," at this he sinks to his knee before you and you can feel hot, happy tears trailing down your face at the realization of what's happening. "Will you marry me?" Your mouth works silently for a moment before saying, "Steve?" his name a question you don't know how to voice but that he understands nonetheless.

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