I walked into the changing room and i prepared for this game.

I was starting. We lined up. We shook hands. I hugged everyone until Leah approached me.

"have a good game, love"
I said sticking my hand out but she just nodded. She didn't answer or shake my hand. She ignored me and walked past me. Next she got to Alexia who had took note of her previous actions.

"Bit rude don't you think?"


"Ignoring her! I don't know what you're playing at but it's not getting you anywhere good!"
Alexia whispered in an angry tone towards Leah who just looked at her before walking off.

As we were walking to have a huddle before kick off, Alexia put an arm around me and pulled me aside.

"Don't let her get to you. Okay?"

"I won't. I'm ready for this. Thank you!"

"Anytime, kid. Anytime"
I smiled at her. We had a huddle. Then we were in position to start. Alexia started the game by passing the ball to me.

"So.. Roberts is back. She's playing against her childhood club. What might she be feeling right now?"

"Mixed emotions i'd assume. Sophie is a real professional. She's young but she's a professional. She will want to win. When both teams were out inspecting the pitch, i think everyone got a little emotional seeing the way Sophie ran up to Viv. I think that just shows how close the two are. Roberts will want this. She wants this competition and she will fight for it. She won't let her old club stand in the way of her achieving her dreams. She's no longer an Arsenal player. She's a Barca player now"

"How do you think her move has gone?"

"Absolutely brilliantly. That girl is flying. Her and Alexia putellas on the pitch are such a deadly duo. They pull the strings. What is it, nine goals in five games for the young star? Whatever it is, it's amazing. Considering she's never left London, she doesn't speak Spanish and Arsenal is all she'd known. She's doing brilliantly. I'm sure everyone at Arsenal is so proud of her!"

From the First minute right up until the thirty first minute. We were controlling the game. Arsenal couldn't get a foot hold in the match. They couldn't deal with our press and passing. We were playing some of the best football possible but the score remained goalless until the thirty first minute.

Alexia had the ball. I made eye contact with her once and she nodded, knowing what i wanted. I ran past Beatie and i remained onside. Alexia played this outstanding ball right through the heart of Arsenals defence. I was 1 on 1 with Manu and Leah was behind me. Leah, i felt push me but i stayed on my feet and buried the ball into the back of the net. The fans in the stadium cheered but i didn't do anything wild. I didn't celebrate. I was happy. I smiled but i didn't run, shout or knee slide. Instead i jogged over to Alexia and hugged her. 1-0 to us. I had scored against my former club.

"It's 1-0 to Barcelona who have controlled the game since the start. Roberts got the goal. She didn't celebrate either."

"Arsenal can't handle Barcelona. No one can, Barcelona are levels above every other woman's side. They are such a joyful team to watch. I would hate to play them. Look, like i said, Roberts is a professional. She respected her former club. Sometimes, your emotions from scoring take over and you can't help but celebrate. This is her first goal in the Champions League for her new club but she was respectful and didn't celebrate. But, that pass from Putellas sums up why she's the best in the world. That was absolutely phenomenal. Breathtaking"

After the goal, nothing changed. We remained in charge of the game. Despite it only being 1-0 we were very comfortable. In the forty first minute i received the ball from Mapi. I saw Caro and Lieke making runs but they were both offside. I looked around and seen Alexia running. I looked at Lieke but passed to Alexia, fooling Arsenals back line. Alexia, who was outside the box, took a shot and- well, you can guess what happened next.

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