Chapter one

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"welcome høme"

We were two kids playing together, we used to live next to a tree and it was our only house, we used to call eachother "Nightmare" and "Dream" just like the moon and the sun.
We were only six, we needed a parent figure, something that we never got.
We weren't related but they were my everything.

He was my 'moon'.
We just needed love, saying I love you isn't a big enough proof.

The act before the words, words are less powerful, hugging the other, smiling and taking their hand, taking care of them, being there, not hating, not being an absolute monster.
This is what his love was like, because before being your partner I am also a person who needs respect and love from you and only you my dear.
Only you can drive me insane, only you know my fear, only you know my words, only you, it was only you before everything else, just you.
Until they took you away.


Nightmare, that was the name he gave himself when he was young.

He was standing next to the tree reading a book like he always did.
People were laughing next to him but for once it wasn't mocking, they were just genuinely happy. A feeling he couldn't quite understand well. They were hugging eachother, running after each other, they were having fun just like the children they were and Nightmare couldn't care any less honestly. He was all alone praying for his so autoproclamed brother to come back safe and as soon as possible. Dream's a messy kid who's very clumsy. As he is thinking about him, he lift is head up to see the one he's been thinking about running towards his direction before jumping to hug him with all is children's strength.

"Hi!" He gently smiled with all his baby teeth.

"You have to stop doing that Dream."
Nightmare sighs before giggling.

"Whoops.. sorry Nightlight."

"It's okay but come on, stop with this awful nickname."

"Sorry.." he murmurs softly.

Dream looks at him and laugh.

"I really mean it!'

"You don't have to say sorry everytime you can."
He apologized again.
After that they both sat down again so they could rest while Dream started to talk about his day and what he did when he left to go to the small village far from where their big tree, their so called mother, Nim.
In this town there's a small library with ton of historical or medical books. Dream always tried to get some for Nightmare because he knew that if he got him something for him he would read them to him before they'd go sleep or when there was storm. Reading was the thing both of them loved the most and it was also the only thing they could do.
One day while they were reading a book about an important and heroic woman who was a guardian that protected feelings and emotions before she got tragically killed by cruel person, she was so powerful that she created lifes before passing away leaving her role to two adorable and young children, a man tried to adopt them because they'd be more confortable in a house but they refused because they didn't need to live in a house, home is a place where you are with someone you love and they both loved eachother and it was all that matters in their eyes with the tree of course, and their books too, and the villagers for Dream.
Nightmare stared silently at Dream. He looks a bit more older than Nightmare because of his height, he's taller but more childish and Nightmare was the entire opposite, he has a deep voice and is really mature but short, shorter than the other kids, too short, too weak, too skinny, too ridiculous. Nightmare is too much.

"So what did you get from the village?"

"Oh well I got myself new friends and some books and also foods, it's cold but eatable!"
Dream took his small yellow-ish bag where he left everything he got (expected his friends- don't put your friends in your bag please) to show it to Nightmare, he handed everything to him. There was around five books and only enough food for a week. It'd be enough.

"Wow you've got a lot of books, how did you managed to get them for free? Don't tel me you..."

"No! I didn't stole anything I just asked politely to the ma'am if I could get some books and give them back as soon as possible and she was actually sooooo kind to me."
Nightmare looked at the books happily.

"Oh right, and what about your friends? Are they nice to you? They respect your boundaries? They don't offense you? They aren't...-"
He asked while he started to read one of the book in front of him or at least tried to.

"Night don't worry they are, everyone is! The others loves jokes they kept making a lot of them but it's weird that Neil was defending me tho I don't know why. They were happy! You know how I love happiness."

Nightmare closed the book to look at his best friend.

"What's wrong?"

"Sometimes when someone is joking about you it's not good, even if they're happy it's actually a negative thing Dream."

"We weren't having fun?"

"Well kinda but it's bad since they were having fun because they were being mean to you."

"But they are my friends! And they were laughing and..-"
Nightmare lifted his hand towards Dream's shoulder.

"You can find better friends that aren't mean to you, Neil is your friend for example."
He smiled at him.

"And you're my friend!"

"Am I just your friend?"
He asked.

"Nooo you are right Nightlight, you are my best friend!"
Dream hugged Nightmare tightly before pulling away to avoid killing his best friend.
They read together as the time went by fast, it already started getting dark before it slowly started raining. They had nowhere to go to when it was winter or really cold outside so they just stayed together hugging eachother to get a bit hotter like penguins do, next to that weird big tree hoping that the rain will stop soon but instead thunderstorms started. There would be a rainbow after the rain but before there was obviously pain. Dream got scared and shivered, Nightmare took him again in his arms and held him closer. With his other hand he took the cape that they attached on the tree to put it on Dream to make it look identical to a blanket.

"Thank you.."
His voice was weak and quiet.

"We can try find a place to go to avoid the rain."

"No..I'm scared." He tried to think of a way to comfort him.

"Do you want me to sing you a lullaby ?"
He nods. The storm continued and Dream was still crying but he felt calm, Nightmare was singing a lullaby that his mother taught him, when he was really little he probably read something about her singing in a book so to feel connected to her he learnt it and never forgot. He doesn't want to believe she's really is his mother but Dream really doesn't consider her as his mom, there's only Nightmare who feels such an attachment to her. The only family he can remember of is Dream at least, he's his everything. Dream fell asleep in Nightmare's warm and comforting arms.

"Sleep well my sweet sunshine."
He murmured, smiling.
He couldn't sleep, someone had to look after the tree. He took a book and started to read, the leaves covered his head and his book even though it still got wet anyway. The rain finally stopped and the only thing he could now see was a beautiful rainbow in the grey sky. The pain was over, but still present.


I sob as I look back at the window. Today is another rainy and stormy day, I just hoped for the rain to go away or at least stop a little. I missed those day with Nightmare, those day where he was taking care of me. I'm by myself now.
I'm sure I'll be able to make him love me again, it will just take a lot of time but I'll stay determined and I'll never lose hope.
And, why would he hate me ? I'm not a bad person.

Right ?

I'm not?
I'm positive.
That's what his mom wanted.
That's my role.


Where are you when I need you the most?
Can't you welcome me in your arms again?
Where's my home?

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