Beach party

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We where all listening to music and talking when I relized ali hadn't said anything in a while
"Hello earth to ali, Yoo-hoo you good over there" I said to her because she was staring at a guy who was actually pretty attractive
"Yeah sorry I'm good" she replies
"Oh dear god just go talk to him" Susan tells her as we're all laughing at her
"I will later maybe" a little while passes and we go into the water and I hear the guy ali was staring at ask his friends "who's the babe in the blue" to which his friend replied
"Hills man don't even think about it" I just laughed and continued walking to the water
Later on as we where sitting by a fire a soccer ball landed in alis lap and she took it back to the guy and he showed her how to bounce it on her knee after a second I heard the roar of a mother cycle "shit it's Johnny" I whisper but Susan and Barbra hear me Because they look up to the ledge where they where they came down to where we were and by that time ali was back with us they start arguing about wanting to talk when Johnny takes alis radio
"Give it back Johnny and I'll talk to you I promise"
"You swear"
"I swear"
He hands it back to my sister but she just turns is on and gives him a smile he then takes it and throws it on the ground that's when the guy ali was with tries to step in and help which leads to them fighting both me and ali go to help the kid but Johnny pushes her back and Tommy grabs my arm
"Hey man just stay out of it, you know the kid" tommy asks me
"No just some guy ali met today" I said as tommy pulled me to the back of the crowd
"I'm sorry I know you hate it when people get vialant" he says as he lets go of my arm
"It's fine it's Johnny I'm used to him at this point just wish he'd stop beating on inasent kids"
After a second they all leave and ali and I go to help the kid Daniel is his name but he insisted to get up himself after he leaves we all get our stuff and head home

Authers note: sorry the first two chapters have been kinda slow and boring the story will pick up I promise

Rhiannon JuniTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang