Pre beach party

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I ran down stairs To meet my mom and Ali in the kitchen today was the last day of summer which means, beach party tonight we have one every year since 7th grade and there the best things that happen each summer
"So what's the plans for today" I say as I sit down at the bar next to my sister
"Well we have to go get snacks and drinks and stuff from the store then Barbra wants us to come help her get ready then we'll go to the beach a little early so we can get a good spot" Ali said as she passed my a glass of orange juice
"Sounds good with me, but um do you think you can help me decide on what bathing suit to wear" I ask ali because she's good at stuff like that and I actually try to look good especially if I'm gonna be around a lot of people
"Of course I'll help you"
After breakfast we ran up to Ali's room to look threw her bathing suit's first but we had no luck so we went to mine and after almost 30 minutes of trying on bathing suits we found the one a simple black white and blue two peace I threw my bathing suit into my bag with my walkman and sunscreen and then got dressed
I then threw on some Jean shorts and a T-shirt meet ali downstairs it was around 12
After the grocery store we headed to Barbras it was easy picking out her outfit and bathing suit so we left to go to the beach it was around 4 pm when we got there a few groups of kids but not many we got our spot and gathered wood for our fire that will be later tonight

Rhiannon JuniOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz