Do you think maybe just maybe she's falling out of love with me?

No. Definitely not. I wouldn't lie to you. Look, Leah talks about you all the time. She comes to mine and Lisa's house a couple of times a week and talks about you. She came yesterday and she kept telling us how proud she is of you. She's not falling out of love, i think it's just hard for her. Like it must be for you.

I asked her to meet up before the game tomorrow but she said she's doing something with Jordan?

I know. She told me. She's not doing anything with Jordan. She's not doing anything at all.

Why'd she lie then?

Because she's scared. She's scared that you will end it. She's scared that she will end it. She's scared that you guys won't make it together. She doesn't want it to end so she's trying to distance herself.

I won't end it. What can i do?

Nothing. Leave her. She will come around.

And if she doesn't?

She will. She won't walk away from u.

Viv, i need to do something. It's breaking my heart.

Speak to her after the game. Not before. Only after.

Okay. I love you x

I love you too🧡

I put my phone, facing down on the sofa and sighed. For a moment, forgetting that i was in a room with four other girls who all turned to face me as soon as i let out that sigh.

"what's wrong?"
Caro asked.

I said back. Not really wanting to talk about it.

"Sounded like you've been holding that sigh back. You sure you're alright?"
Jenni asked next.

"Yeah, fine. Completely fine"

"Shit liar you are kid"
Mapi stated which is true. I know i am. I suck at lying.

"I know. Trust me, i know"
I didn't want to cry, so i didn't. I just stared at the TV that was now paused and waited for Alexia to resume the movie, but she never.

"ven aquí"
Come here
Alexia said. I looked at her. Jenni moved and sat in between Mapi and Caro.

I stood up and walked over to where Alexia was sitting. I sat- I lay down beside her and she pulled me into a tight, warm hug.

"you don't need to tell us anything. Just know, we're here"
I nodded at this.

"it's nothing really. Just feel like i'm watching my relationship fall apart and there's nothing i can do to stop it"

"with Leah?"
I nodded.

"You'll see her tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, i will. I asked her to meet up before the game but she doesn't want to so yeah. I'm going to speak to her after the game"

"We've got you. Okay?"

"Gracias. Significa el mundo para mi"
Thank you. It means the world to me.

"Me gusta el español"
I like the Spanish.

"Gracias. Aprendí de Barças lo mejor"
Thank you. I learned from Barcas finest.

I lay in Alexia's arms while watching the rest of the movie, before going to bed.

Alexia is like Viv. They both took me in and Welcomed me when i needed it most.
Viv welcomed me from day one and when me and Leah broke up. When i was falling apart, she was there for me. She allowed me to live with her and Lisa and she protected me at all costs.

Alexia, she took me in when i had moved to a foreign country for the first time. A country that speaks a different language from me. But, she helped me. She welcomed me and she has protected me.

Both of these girls have a special place in my heart. Without them, life would be so different. It would be harder. These girls have brought so much light to my life. They're special, special people who mean the world to me. I love them so much.

Alexia, like Viv is my person.

Viv is my Person.
Alexia is my person.
And, finally.. Leah. Leah is my person. She has been for seven years and will continue to be.

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