Chapter 1 - 'Villain'

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"Get outta here, villain! Before we call the heroes!"

"Who are you? You have no records of being here so get out, you evil scum!"

"You... you freak! What the hell's up with you!?"

A girl sat cross-legged on the floor of some kind of warehouse with her back leaning against a wall. She sighed and pushed those bad memories out from her mind, running her large, spidery hands through her glossy white hair, brushing through the shades of purple and blue that streaked her hair. The warehouse was deserted with only dull rays of sunlight filtering through the dirty windows that lined the roof.

The dirty yellow light made the girl's skin look yellowed and the deep crevices in her face look deeper. A brighter light shone on her face from the phone in her hand. The screen showed dozens of outgoing calls over several days with none received.

A loud sound rang through the large space as the metal doors were forced open and a swarm of armed police officers ran in, all pointing guns at the sitting girl. A pro hero also ran in with yellow goggles covering his eyes.

"Stand up and put your hands where we can see them!" The pro shouted, gripping a part of the grey scarf and looking directly at the girl.

"This really isn't necessary but alright." She replied in a casual tone, tucking her phone into the pocket of her black hoodie and standing up, putting her hands in the air.

"We've recieved many reports of you harassing people with your quirk. That's illegal, but it isn't all. You've also apparently never been seen before so we have suspicions of you faking your identity."

The girl raised her eyebrows in fake surprise. "Really? Well, I can definitely say I haven't hurt anyone or even used my 'quirk'. Maybe you should check your sources." She joked with a smile on her face, as if she were joking with friends and not held at gunpoint by police.

"It's true that we don't have much evidence to show that you've hurt anyone, but we have evidence that you might be faking your identity. Nobody with your height or appearance has been reported living in this area."

"Fair enough." The girl said, shrugging.

The mysterious girl's casual attitude was beginning to piss off the pro and he launched his grey scarf at her, the fabric wrapping her tall, thin figure tightly, binding her arms to her torso.

"You're being taken into police custody. You will comply with what we say and you'll be dealt with accordingly." He said, activating his quirk which made his black hair stick straight up.

The girl just nodded.

So she was taken in to police custody where she was questioned.

"First of all, what is your name?" An officer asked her, looking her in the eye.

"Lucida Gaster, but just call me Lucida." Lucida said, looking him right back in the eye. Her eyes were strange, both had pure black scleras and white irises with no clear pupils or highlights, but one was widened with a massive black gash running through it down to her cheek from her hairline. The other looked relatively normal.

"Lucida Gaster?" The officer asked, skeptical.


"Right.. How old are you?"

"Fifteen." This was a guess, Lucida couldn't properly know how old she was, but she felt like she was physical fifteen.

"What is your quirk?"

"Hm... I don't know exactly what its name is, but I can basically teleport and summon and control bones and Gaster Blaster." Lucida said, half being honest. Those were things she could do, but she could do much more.

The officer stared at Lucida as if she was crazy.

"Is there a problem?" Lucida asked.

"Yes, there is. How can your quirk have the ability to teleport and summon and control bones and summon... Gaster... Blasters?"

Lucida shrugged.

"...Anyway, have you used your quirk to hurt anyone recently?"

"No, I haven't. For as long as I've had it, I haven't purposefully hurt anybody with my quirk."

"Right. How long have you been in this city?"

"Not too long, I think about... maybe a few days."

"That lines up with these reports..." The officer sighed and called the hero who'd been there when police first confronted Lucida.

"Eraser, this girl seems to be telling the truth and her claims line up with the reports. What should we do with her?"

The black haired hero looked from the officer to Lucida. "Kid, do you have anywhere to live?" He tiredly asked.

Lucida shook her head.

"What school do you go to?"

"None at the moment."

"Hm..." The pro looked at the sheet of paper the police officer was writing on then back at Lucida. "Your quirk sounds powerful. I could arrange for you to go to UA, the school I work at. Would that be alright, Gaster?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine. Also I'd prefer it if you called me Lucida."

And so that's what happened, the pro hero known as Eraser Head took Lucida to UA where they spoke to the principal, Nezu, to secure her place in UA. They went back to Aizawa's apartment after some convincing where they talked for a while before Lucida fell asleep on a couch.

Aizawa yawned, petting the grey cat that was on his lap. He was pretty tired as well, the commotion of the attack on the USJ had been widely reported on and he'd only just healed from his injuries the day before, thanks to recovery girl. However, the pro hero and teacher didn't have much time for sleeping. He still had to arrange training sessions for his class for the upcoming UA sports festival, what they'd be doing for training, etc.

Tiredly, Aizawa tied his long black hair into a ponytail, picked up his cat and left the room.

As soon as Aizawa left the room, a text pinged on Lucida's phone, that was poking out of her pocked a little.


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(Words: 1111 not including this. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this new take on a story I basically abandoned)

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