Chapter 43 - Humans in Murera

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“It must be nice to have that freedom?”

“You don’t?” I asked.

She shook her head, “The human world I grew up in works differently. When you graduate you find a crappy job or you go to college to find a better job. There are not a lot of choices for people like me. My boyfriend and I decided to travel a lot and accept terrible freelance jobs just because we didn’t know what else we wanted to do. I felt myself light up for the first time in my life when I figured out there was another world out there. This is the greatest excitement I’ve had in a really long time. I’m a photographer so I’ve photographed everything until we stepped foot in the palace. It makes me realize there are a lot of mysteries in the world we haven’t even discovered yet.”

“The human world seems so weird sometimes. Not many of us choose to go on to college. We each needed to take a step into the work force to keep our world going. I agree that there are a lot of mysteries in the world though. Maybe we’ll discover some of them.”

            We made our way out of the palace and I stopped by Brittany’s house to pick her up. I introduced her to Sasha and we started our walk to the other side of town. We’re not going all the way to the other side because Selita and Clementine agreed to meet us halfway. Brittany and I ran up hugging them when we saw them.

“We missed you!” they said.

“We missed you!” Brittany and I agreed.

“We just graduated!” Selita said, “We’ve made a decision to go into our family businesses.”

“That’s great!” I said, “I’m graduating soon too.”

“What are you going to do?” Clementine asked.

“I think I’m going to travel actually,” I replied, “I want to explore and see everything.”

“Sounds like you,” she smiled.

I nodded, “Anyway, I want to introduce both of you to my friend Sasha, she’s human.”

“Nice to meet you,” Sasha said.

“You too,” Selita said.

“I’m showing her around Murera today so it’s only fitting that I introduce her to the coolest people here.”

“I can’t say I blame you,” Clementine said.

Selita agreed, “We are pretty amazing. We know everything there is to know about Murera now.”

“Then I assign you tour director,” I laughed, “Lead the way.”

“My pleasure,” Selita laughed with me, “What do you want to see Sasha?”

“I want to see the fashion you have in this place.”

“That would be Lily’s expertise,” Brittany said.

Sasha asked, “Really?”

I nodded, “That would be my mom’s career. Let’s go straight to her place of work first. She’s always in the office today.”

            I showed the way to mom’s company and walked straight upstairs to mom’s office. She welcomed all of us into her office where I introduced her to Sasha.

“Mom this is my friend Sasha. Sasha, this is my mom Meera Carter.”

“Nice to meet you,” mom shook her hand.

Sasha smiled, “You too. Is this really your place?”

“Yeah, all mine. My mother did the same thing. We’ve built quite a clothing empire over the decades.”

“This is incredible!”

“Can we shop here? Please?” I begged mom, “Sasha’s never been to Murera before and she loves fashion. She helped me buy clothes in the human world so it’s only fair.”

Mom smiled, “Go ahead but stay away from the third floor clothes.”

I hugged her, “Thank you mom! I love you.”

“I love you too,” she laughed, “Have fun but be home at a reasonable time.”

“You’ve got it,” I told her.

            We went to the second floor where the newer clothes have not gone on sale yet. Selita, Clementine, Brittany, and I do this all the time. Sasha did not realize how different our styles were until she started looking around at all the clothes. It goes to prove how different societies can turn out based on their laws, cultures, and values.

“It makes you wonder doesn’t it?” I asked Sasha as I approached her and saw that she held up one of my favorite shirts.

She nodded, “Our worlds are so different. Even the smallest things like fashion are completely different. Different in a good way of course but still different.”

“I know what you mean,” I smiled, “My first time in the human world I was overwhelmed but I was also fascinated at the differences. I wanted to see everything… I still do.”

“When your friends brought up graduating and taking up their families’ business you stayed silent. You stayed silent even when you said you would be graduating. You really are like me aren’t you?”

I chuckled, “I guess I am. We both want to get out in the world and explore things.”

“We do. Thank you for showing me around by the way. I like it down here.”

I nodded, “You can stay anytime. My family’s old house is actually still vacant so you can always stay there if you want to.”

“That sounds great actually I’ll ask my boyfriend.”

            When we finished our shopping we took Sasha out to eat before she had to go back to the human world to meet her boyfriend. She did promise to ask him about staying down here for a while though. She seemed to like it down here. I expected that she would. I smiled as I walked back to the palace. I like this new peace situation we have. There are no secrets and we can travel wherever we want to. We have a whole new world to explore and I can’t wait to begin my journey.

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