"I know you can fight, but I'm still worried. Also, you don't eat the skin of that"

He took the fruit from me and started to peel it.

Ah... Why didn't I think of that?

"Here, It should taste better now"

"Thanks" Hmm... this is delicious.

Rue Zhi POV**************

It was so funny that he didn't know how to eat sapphire stars, I laughed internally. I looked at the distance and it was getting cloudy.

It's gonna rain soon, I turned back to the old man and his friends.

"Hey gramps! You should go back now, you wouldn't wanna get sick from the rain"

"Oh you're right Rue boy, we'll head on back now. you two should go take shelter as well" he and the others quickly left. Now it was just me and Kiyotaka.

I remembered the day when I saw him, resting on a branch, eyes shut, and a calm face. Even when outnumbered he didn't falter and stood his ground.

That was something that I respect because I don't even dare to confront thieves. I didn't have the strength to fight back. Back then, if only I fought back for 10 seconds! those 10 seconds would've been enough for reinforcements to come.

Everyone might have lived...Instead, I hid like a coward, I watched them die while I was in the shadows crying.

I'm sorry, Father... this useless son of yours doesn't deserve to liv-


I heard a voice beside me, It was Kiyotaka... Until now I didn't notice the berries were crushed inside my palms.

"A-ah!. sorry, this was supposed to be yours." I scratched the back of my neck.

"That's alright, But... are you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You were quiet for some time now, the Rue I know wouldn't stop talking even with his mouth full"

"There's n-nothing wrong, none at all!"

I tried to smile but failed, I even heard my voice crack.


He took a long sigh and continued
"It's okay to be sad sometimes, I don't know why you are down and I won't ask."

He looked at me with his hazel brown eyes, those eyes that had nothing in them. I felt it could see my soul.

"Just know that I'm here, you can tell me whatever is on your mind and I won't judge you. That's what friends are for right?"

He then gazed upwards and the rain came pouring down.Friends... Yes, Kiyotakas my friend. he won't make fun of me, so I think it is fine to tell him.I moved my body in his direction.

"Is it really okay telling you my troubles? I f-feel like a child thinking about it"

He nodded, the rain was hitting his face, he then closed his eyes. not minding his wet clothes and the cold wind brushing against us he didn't move. Like a statue, he waited for me to speak up.

After a while, the words finally formed and I told him about my past.Two friends under the rain, one masked his tears with the rain, the other listened.

Right now, for them, the crystal raindrops don't exist. Just the two of them.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

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