Cole Johnson (private rp)

19 1 0

Age -23
Sexualityy- straight
Looks- short black hair that in the front stops in front of his eyes and FETs longer as it goes towards the back. He has grassy green eyes.

Personality- Cole is COMPLICATED. he finds it hard to express his feelings, but tries to do what is best for everyone even if it means getting hurt. He is loving and kinds.

Background- his parents were killed by rogues, who later came back and tried to kill them again. Recent rogue attacks have alerted everyone, and alphas from many packs are being called to town. He does his best to watch over his little sister who just turned 12, close to the age of shifting for an alpha.

Cole met his mate,Ezra, and she didn't quite fit into his life. A bunch of things happened and he ended up rejecting her because he thought it was what she wanted.
Seven months later Ezra gave birth to a baby boy named Nate (who was named with the help of a sexy British alpha). Cole is stuck in wolf form until the next full moon because he gave his human soul to protect Ezra and the baby.

The story continues on...

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