Chapter 12

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Everyone has their flaws but if a person truly loves you he will accept you with flaws. Just like that Rudra and Aditi accept each other with their flaws. Yesterday was Aditi first day in this palace she likes her mother in law but his father is just like him but he behaves so gently with Abhay and he also becomes fond of him Rudra goes to his office without talking to her which is killing her from inside previous night she decides she will work on this relation she wants her son to have a perfect family, not a broken one. Her chain of thoughts is broken by Abhay continuously crying he is not a cry baby it's just that he wants to meet his father instant and Rudra is not picking up her calls

" Baby stop crying you want to meet daddy right let's go, " Aditi said she give Abhay to mom so that she can wash his face Aditi also decide to change her clothes she can't go to his office like this

She comes out of their room and takes a giggling Abhay in her arms who is continuously smiling like he got his favourite toy Rukmini chuckle at his grandson attics no one will say that this grandson of her is crying some moments ago

Aditi come out suddenly a well-built man stands in front of her and open the car door she enters the car after some time car start half an hour she is standing in front of the huge building

"RATHOD GROUP OF INDUSTRY" write in bold letters she enters the building and made her way towards reception and found a girl in more than required short dress who rolled her eyes looking at Aditi

" Can you tell me about Rudra office?" Aditi said while handling is over an excited son who is continuously trying to run away from her mother so that he can reach his father as soon as possible but before she could say something one of the guards give whisper something which make her eyes come out of socked she quickly told her way towards CEO office 54th floor Aditi nod her head and enter in the elevator the door of the elevator open with a sound

" Abhay dare you to leave my hand " Aditi warn his son before coming out from the elevator while she is busy scolding his son she bump into someone which made the person fall on the ground with a thud sound the person which was present on the floor looked at the scene with horror-filled eyes

  " She will not leave her without insulting or taunting her " one of them whispered to the other they looked at Aditi with pity filled eyes. Aditi looked at the girl who is fuming in anger.


" Sakshi " Aditi whisper while looking at her what the hell she is doing in her husband office Sakshi become freeze at her spot

" You bitch what the hell are you doing in my Rudra office " Sakshi shouted at Aditi while looking at her from head to toe She doesn't want her to catch Rudra from her
" Oh you also bring this bastard son of yours," Sakshi said looking at Abhay with disgust the last strong of Aditi broke down when she called her son a bastard Sound of the slap echoed in the whole hall Aditi slapped Sakshi she is going to slap Aditi but she found Rudra standing at a distance

" Dadda " Abhay ran towards Rudra and hug his legs with his tiny hands which make Sakshi blood boils. She quickly made her way towards Rudra she first separate Abhay from Rudra which make Abhay fall on the floor his forehead hit the floor and blood start coming out from his wound he start crying loudly Aditi reach towards her son and take in his arms

" Baby look that bitch slaps me, " Sakshi said while clinging to Rudra arms without saying anything he grabbed his throat and choking after some time he leaves which made her fall on the floor

" How dare you touch my son you take her away before I may which I regret later " He shouted the person are present on the floor flinched at his cold voice guards start dragging Sakshi with them

" Bring a first aid box dammit " he shouted at his secretary she quickly bring a first aid box and hands over to Rudra he takes his crying son in his arms and clean his wound lovely whole office are in shock he will believe them this person is ready to kill someone minutes ago now he is behaving as nothing happened He takes both Aditi and Abhay towards his office and closes the door with this sound made everyone come of their shocked

Hey guys
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