Chapter 11

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Everyone has their own fears just like them aditi has also some fear Fear of losing her son she want her son to get everything which a normal child have. She decide to live her life as Rudra wife just because of her son. Aditi looked at mirror at her reflection

She is someone wife and daughter in law she looked back at king sized bed where her son and husband are sleeping peacefully like their life depend on each other Her husband this word sound so much foreign She come out of their room and with the he...

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She is someone wife and daughter in law she looked back at king sized bed where her son and husband are sleeping peacefully like their life depend on each other Her husband this word sound so much foreign She come out of their room and with the help of maid she reach at kitchen It's her first day in kitchen so she first decide to made something sweet So she made Halwa after an hour she complete cooking after some time she instruct some maids to prepare the table and her mother in law enter in kitchen she touch her feets but rukmani hug her kiss her forehead Which make aditi totally shocked They reached at dining table while laughing but aditi laugh die seeing his father in law Who is sitting at the head chair His face is reminding her of rudra which is always has these same expression cold and emotionless
Rukmani serve his husband who is examining everything Udayveer looked at his daughter in law who is sitting in in front of him He comes to know about their marriage he is surely angry at both of them at rudra for hurting some one and he is angry at her because she tried to hide her grandson from him who is now sole heir of this empire and future heir to their clan Suddenly rudra enter in with laughing abhay in his arms when abhay notice his mother he start wriggling in his fathers arms indicating his mother to take him rudra gave him to aditi and sat on opposite head chair with a emotionless face His father and his expression are similiar Everyone become shocked when abhay throw spoon at udayveer aditi looked at his son that spoon hit him on his face Looking at her father in law expression aditi know the volcano is going to burst at any time

But to their shock abhay hold his ear mutter a " solly (sorry) " look down with sad expression udayveer starting laughing at his grandson antics and take him in his he kiss his forehead abhay start smiling wholeheartedly copying his grandfather expressions abhay also his cheeks without saying anything he start feeding abhay from his plate Rudra looked at his father he knows his father is know as heartless king but he love his family more then anything

Rudra enter in his father study room and found him sitting at his chair with stern expression

" What do you want to talk about dad " Rudra asked his father standing infront of him He father raised his head and looked at him he indicate at his opposite chair rudra understand his expression and sit in front of him

" I decide something about my grandson Agni pratap Singh Ranawat will be his Protector from today onwards he is his shadow which will be with him 24*7 " Udayveer told his son Rudra looked at his father with a shocked expression

" You must be joking dad he will never accept this offer and I know you knew it " Rudra said while stating his point of view He know who is Agni He most loyal towards Royal clan it's not because of some rule it's just that his grandfather gave him a new life He is 30 yr old He only follow order of Bade hukum He strictly declined the offer of being rudra protector he deny such a huge offer then how he will become agree no doubt he is also rich after rathod his company is no 2 in India but still he is loyal to them he always a sheild to Rathods

" He will " He Father said stubbornly Rudra sigh he know his father and he also want that he know no one will protect him better than him his son needs someone who will become his sheild from dangerous it's not that rudra can't protect he can but he have to learn to live in this Royal clan where your enemy is after you 24*7 So that they can take over the throne

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