Launch wasn't going to be for another hour or so, so the crew began the per-flight checks while they waited. And Sykkuno did his best to keep his mind off of Corpse and focus on the mission.

-------------------time skip----------------------

"Okay, helmets on everyone." Sykkuno put the helmet over his head and twisted it until it clicked, after adjusting it slightly more he prepared for take off.

The first initial launch of the thrusters was going to be handled by the people in the KSC. Afterwards The crew would pass out for a couple seconds. if they had passed their tests they would wake up in about 30 or so seconds. Then they would have to do everything mostly manual until they docked with The Skeld.

Sykkuno kept telling himself this over and over, but he was still nervous. The part where he needed to wake up after passing out was what concerned him. According to his most recent tests his average time had gone from 28 seconds to 32.

And, although that's only a difference of 4 seconds, those 4 seconds mattered. It could mean the difference between the crew successfully docking or, the ship blowing up as it entered orbit.

"T minus 1 minute to launch."

Sy steadied his breathing as he looked ahead at the control panel in front of him, he replayed the sequence of buttons and switches he needed to press for every outcome he was trained for over and over as he braced himself for launch.

"T minus 10,"

Sy held onto his seat belt straps.


He tugged on them to reassure himself he was safe.

"8, 7, 6, 5,"

He took a deep breath.

"4, 3,"

He let it go.

"2, 1- prepare for launch."

The ship shook as the thrusters ignited and began pushing the ship skyward. Sykkuno could feel himself shaking violently as the ship accelerated.

He could feel himself beginning to pass out as the computer called out something, but he was out before he could hear what it was.

-------------------flash back----------------------

"Hey! Don't worry we'll be fine!" Corpse was smiling at him as they both put on their helmets.

"I know I'm just worried- aren't you?"
"Hell yeah I am! I'm just doing my best to reassure you we're fine."

"I find that hard to believe." Sykkuno said shakily as someone called out they had about two minutes till launch.

"Oh c'mon, It'll be just like the simulations! Besides you hold the record for fastest recovery." Corpse nudged Sy's shoulder.
"It's hard to think of it like the simulations when I know It's the real thing!" Sy was smiling nervously. He knew Corpse couldn't see it but he still put his hand up to cover it.

"Look, give me your hand." Corpse held out his hand for Sykkuno.

Sy put his hand on Corpse's and He grabbed onto Sy's hand tightly.

"We're gonna be okay, I promise."
"Yeah, yeah... we're gonna be okay." Sy repeated as he looked ahead at the dashboard.

"Here's another promise for you," Corpse also turned to the control panels.

"When we get home," Corpse was squeezing Sykkuno's hand tighter as he spoke.

"I'll make sure to fuck you good."
"Corpse!" Sykkuno felt his face go hot as he heard Corpse laughing.

"What? It's a promise I know I can keep." Sykkuno could hear his smile.

"Just promise me we'll get home." Sy said also laughing slightly.

"Well that ones gonna happen no matter what."

-------------------flash back over--------------

"Sy, Sy wake up."

Sykkuno sprang up as he regained consciousness, he punched in a sequence of buttons as the rest of the crew woke up.

"Computer, time." Sykkuno said as he relaxed himself and did mandatory checks on the shuttle.

"27.89 seconds." It replied.

"Computer, what's the order we woke up in?" Sy asked as he laid his head against his seat and steadied his breathing.
"One moment please."

"In order of fastest recovery time the crew is, Thomas, Joseph, Aubrey, Winter, Jack, Ethan, Jane, Lillian, Paige."

"Computer... who woke me up?"
"One moment please."

Sykkuno disconnected from the comm channels as he waited.

"According to recordings of comm channels within the past minute, you were the first to speak. According to your vital signs, you recovered on your own."

Sykkuno looked out of the window and at the stars ahead of them.


"Hey'a bud."

Friends With Your Ghost (corpskkuno)Where stories live. Discover now