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"I guess I'll leave you two alone.", Bryan said.

   Patrick sat down next to me, he glared at me for about 2 minutes without saying a word. He then smirked & said, "You look beautiful this morning."
I smiled and thank him. "It's just so crazy how we bumped into each-other, I wasn't expecting this at all!"
Patrick laughed, "Expect the unexpected. Y/N."

  "Here you go sir.", 'B' hands Patrick his coffee and gives me the side eye, whispering in my ear, "Damn, he is fine but I've never actually fucking seen him here before.", I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment.

  Patrick took a sip of the coffee and made the most distinctly face ever. It almost seemed like he was forcing it.
"So tell me Y/N, what's a pretty girl like you doing here in Manhattan?"

   What. The. Fuck.

   That was the exact same question Patrick had asked me in my dream. Am I dreaming again?
I realized what a long pause I had took and answered immediately with the dumbest response ever. "Because why not?"
"Perhaps. What do you do for a living? Are you in school?"
As much as I wanted to lie, I could not. "I just work as a retailer. Nothing serious"
Patrick seemed confused. "How did you afford that apartment?"
I immediately paused. How the FUCK does he even know? "I'm just joking, sweetheart. Don't frighten yourself. I don't know where you live", Patrick told me.
I laughed, "Not cool, Patrick.."

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