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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
As soon as Allmight gave the go Y/n had quietly made her way down to where Bakugou was.

Once she made it she had tapped the wall so he could look at her, making eye contact.

"Let the games begin Bakugou" Y/n said with a smirk and Bakugou was confused till Y/n had disappeared and the entire room turned pitch black, to dark to even see his own hero suit.

"What the hell you bitch" Bakugou said as he tried to listen in but it was like something was messing with his senses.

As Bakugou was caught up in the illusion Y/n was circling around him before stopping.

"Oh Bakugou~" Y/n sang, making sure her voice rang in the illusion, making Bakugou look around in slight fear and anger.

"Come out and fight me you bastard" Bakugou had said as he still couldn't see Y/n even though she was behind me.

"HA HA HA let's have some fun!" Y/n said with a sadistic look in her eyes and smile as she brung down her mallet on Bakugou.

Lucky for him he had caught the mallet and moved to try and grab Y/n but ended up grabbing a trick electric buzzer that Y/n dropped.

"Whoops" Y/n said and with a snap of her fingers she had changed the scenery of the illusion, a mad hatters fever dream to be honest.

Swirls of moving colors that threw Bakugou off, almost making him throw up.

"Fuck you" Bakugou said as he launched himself at Y/n but she had stepped out of the way and brung her mallet down on his back.

Pain had spread through Bakugou's body but he protested against letting it beat him as he stood up.

"Let's spice it up" Y/n said as she sent away her mallet and held up her leather covered fists.

"Whatever hatter brain" Bakugou said as he brings up his fist, ready to punch Y/n but still feeling woozy from the movement and spirals around him, Y/n easily grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder, using the move Midoriya used against him.

Sadly the pain was slightly to much and had broken Bakugou out of the illusion.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Again Bakugou got back up looking mad at me after he broke out of my illusion.

Just before he moved I had pointed at his arm "hatter wins" I said with a grin since I had wrapped the capture tape around his arm.

Once Allmight declared my win me and Bakugou walked out to the class with him glaring at me.

After going over our fights and stuff we had made our way to the changes rooms but...

"CRAZY EYES" Bakugou yelled which made me turn "Aw you gave me a nickname?" I said and he just looked at me upset.

"I want a rematch" "sure" I said, making my way inside the change room to change back into my uniform.

Once we got back to class I was getting bombarded on what happened and what's my actual quirk.

"Alright y'all got me, my quirk is called mad hatter, I can creat any kind of trick or clown themed weapon and I can create illusions along side changing my voice and creating clones" I said as I created a color changing butterfly while changing up my voice a little before changing it back.

"See, it seems real but in reality it was never here" I said as the illusion faded away to show everyone that it was never really there.

"Your quirk is amazing Y/n" Midoriya said as I saw him writing in a notebook "Thanks" I said.

Eventually class was over and we all packed our stuff up and I was going to leave out to walk home till Iida stopped me.

"Hey Iida, wassup?" I asked "hello Y/n, seeing how well you did during today's training I was hoping to ask if you could help me with a few of the moves you had done" Iida said and he seemed kinda nervous but very serious about the question.

"Sure, when should we meet up?" I asked "actually my home has a training area we could practice in, and is next weekend acceptable for you?" Iida asked and I nodded with a smile.

"Looking forward to training with you next weekend" I said as I winked at him "I am to" Iida said with a flustered look on his face as I turned away to walk home with a slight smile still on my face.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 777

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