Chapter 5 || Mixed up

Start from the beginning

When she pulls away, she kisses my forehead and tells me that she's happy to see me. I tell her the same thing before I realize that my dad is not working at the moment so I wonder how my mom has been able to come visit me.

"Mom, how did he let you come here?" I ask her trying to sit up.

"He got out of the house, to go to a bar probably, so I took a chance." She answers me putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You shouldn't have, I don't want you to be hurt, if he comes back before you do, he'll be even more angry."

"Darling, I wouldn't miss any opportunity to be here with you. I don't care about what your father is gonna think, all I care about is you." She smiles at me in the same way she always does, with a big comforting smile.

"For how long have you been here?"

"Uh, I don't know, a while?" My mom looks at the clock on the wall and surprise can be seen on her face. "Oh no, I wasn't supposed to stay that long. I'll try to visit you tomorrow. Bye y/n, I love you!"

    She gets out of the room and leaves me alone in the middle of the night. I look around and see my phone on the hospital table next to my bed with a new crack on it. "It must've happened when I fell in the stairs" I think picking it up and opening it. I see that Leslie texted me a lot of messages about this new guy she met at work. I decide to not text her back now even if she's probably not asleep because my head starts to hurt again and I try to fall back asleep.

The next day, I text half an hour with Leslie about her new crush and I spend my whole day waiting for my mom, but she doesn't come. I really hoped that I could see her, I need her to tell me that everything's gonna be fine. I try to call her, but she doesn't answer what worries me very much. She always picks up her phone when I call her. I'm instantly imagining the worst scenario, maybe my dad found out that she came to see me and that he beat her the rest of the night...

    At the end of the day, I text Leslie to let her know that I won't be at school tomorrow. She doesn't ask why, knowing that I'm a very secret person, and she says good night to me. I put my phone on the hospital table, next to the dinner I haven't ate, and I try to fall asleep. I wake up at 4:23 AM and I can't fall back asleep, so I scroll through TikTok until it's 7:41 AM.

It's only then that fatigue hits me. When I wake up, it's already 3:00 PM, that means I have slept a little bit more that seven hours. When I look at my phone, I notice that my mom has texted me and called me a bunch of times. As I read her texts, tears are sparkling in the corner of my eyes. I knew that she shouldn't have come here, even if it was to see me.

9:56 AM

Mom: I'm sorry y/n, I know I told you that I would come, but I can't leave the house.

Mom: You're dad was there when I got home, so he took the day off to make sure I would not leave.

Mom: Please, can you pick up the phone, I want to talk to you.

10:14 AM

Mom: Y/n, I don't know if you don't answer me because you're mad, but please answer, I'm worried.

10:39 AM

Mom: You'll text me when you want, but I'm really scared that something happened to you and I can't even come see you...

3:06 PM

Y/n: I'm sorry mom, I didn't want to keep you waiting, I was asleep that's it.

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