Chapter 7: On the Other Side

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The moment she steps through the field, Cynthia realizes how much of a battle this was going to be and begins to have second thoughts about going in so blindly and ill-prepared... even if it was far too late to turn back.

Flashes of blue that look like pixels and sparks surround her. The pixel-type energy is unlike anything she's seen before, and it feels as though she's in the centre of a strange digital world. It's evident that this energy is immensely powerful and aggressive. For a split second, her defensive shield surrounding her body is nearly vaporized, but she remembers her purpose and remains focused on protecting herself and her mind. She needed to keep her wits about her to help those who are on the other side. This, however, becomes a million times harder because the moment she's engulfed, the noise hits her all at once. The voices... the crying, the screaming, the pain, the pleading... all fill her mind to the point where she's ready to cry herself and is drowning in the emotions. By far the worst situation for an empath to be in.

Help me...

I can't feel you...

Why does it hurt so much?!

Help me.

How has it been five years?

Nothing makes sense anymore...

Everything is fine

Why is everything black and white?

The nightmares

What's happening?

Who's causing this?

A little magic could help


Breathe Cynthia breathe! she has to tell herself. Breathe, block it out. You have to save everyone. Breathe. Block out the screams.

Battling the tears, she pushes forward, almost blindly. Every step is like climbing a mountain or travelling against the wind. It's obvious that this energy does not want to be breached and wants no intruders. She pushes on, the blue energy morphing into a strong red one and attacking her field of white. It wants to rip her apart, separate her. She shuts her eyes and breathes as the voices become louder.

Think of something else... she suggests in desperation. Anything else!

Humans have emotions, Vision, they can be complex or simple, you just need to decide that for yourself.

Comfort is something I can provide to you.

You remind me of my dad.

We are and always will be a team.

They're always with me, I know that...

I never forgot you... I was trying to come back to you. Go on that date you promised me...


Cynthia can see what looks like daylight on the other side.


She can finally feel the outside with her hands.


With one final push...


Then everything goes white.


Cynthia opens her eyes and blinks a few times to gather herself. She's on her knees, trying to breathe as she feels absolutely drained of energy. She wipes sweat from her forehead and also gets rid of the tears from her face.

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