Chapter 141-145

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Chapter 141: Dida and Tanya

“… … I will come in, Dida”

I knocked and entered his room.

He sat on a chair as he thought of something.

The room given to the servants is not that wide.

However, me, Dida, Sebas, and people who serve the lady from the beginning are given a private room.

“…… This is from the lady, to read before you return to work.”

“Oh, thank you”

Dida laughed and received it.

“Then, if you are thankful, do not make that face before returning to work. Your true face is better than that false smiley one.”

“Is that too, a message from the lady?”

“I guess that’s not the case, advise from me”

I smiled at my words.

It is sorrowful enough what happened and if he also has to appear joyful while it.. I couldn’t imagine

“… but I will not forgive you for the trouble you gave the lady”

“It was harsh, all that happened that time, well my sermon was done”

“Sermon ……! Not at all”

While saying so, I remember the time when he just came.

At that time …… He laughed at the moment when I came into the room.

Rather than his usual true smile, it looked like a loser, such as if… the usual brightness was cut off.

“What about your injuries? “

“no problem. … … It’s bad, but please remove this. “

“What are you saying! You only have to wait here with him. The reason why I came here is to confirm your safety and gave you the things the lady sent. In order for you to not be used as a hostage again with the still persistent rumors or be witnessed by that boy. And yet, let’s say you remove the bandages! What? What will you do when you remove them. What are you going to do with that body that is injured and useless right now! “

“Stop talking a bit.”

“What? Ha ha … … It’s quiet now! What do you intend? Do not let me down, no more than you already have. “

“Even though you will be disappointed, I only do what I need to do.”

“What do you have to do? All you have to do is wait here until you recover. If you go out still injured and you are witnessed by others and they think that there is a connection with the Vortic Family, what will you do! And if you go out and get caught again? You will not be able to move as usual in your body now. “

“It’s about my body … I know how much I can move. I can not be caught by them “

“I can not trust you. You were caught once already…’

“Tied to emotion, this is karma. … but, I threw out the shitty sentiments. “

“If thrown away, why do you need to go out now? Are you worried about the situation not?”

“I want to be certain. No matter how much I throw it away, the ghosts of the past will come to hunt me again. The most important thing to me right now is exposed to the crisis … … I should confront and keep the troubles away. “

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