The Ghost and The Shadow

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There was once a soldier and a spy.

The soldier was a well-respected man for his outstanding fighting technique and other skills. He was given the name shadow as he was always undetected by his opponent when approaching.

The spy was passed down the family's legacy to be the greatest spy of all of Japan. Much like the soldier, she was well respected even if she was a woman. She got the name Ghost as she would simply disappear from anyone's sight.

The two were good on their own, but what happens when they combine?

She looks down below and watches as the officers moved to their next watch-point. She went down, seeing it was a sign to go to her destination. She landed quietly on the ground and looks around. Seeing no one, she moves to the file cabinet and digs around to find the information she needed. She remembered distinctly on where her source said. She managed to make him drunk enough to spill what secrets that she needed to uncover.
A smirk went across her face as she found what she needed. "I would advise you to put that back." A male voice says. She froze as she saw the shadow loom over her. "What if I don't?" She asks. She turns around slowly to face the man. Shadow moves forward and lifts her chin. "Then it would pain me to hurt that pretty head of yours." He says. Ghost clicks her tongue and gives him a hard kick to the stomach. "How dare you lay your hand on me." She says. She was about to run until he came up from behind. Grabbing her arm and he pulled her to his chest.

The two fought each other, knowing they would have bruises tomorrow. Though soon that fighting turns into something different. He knew that she was strong just like him. She knew the same for him. Cliche as it seems, but it was love at first sight for the two.

He pulled her in, but she slipped out of his grip with ease. As if she faded through his arms. "Catch me if you can." She says, before disappearing from his sight.

And so from that night forward, Shadow dedicated his life to finding his loving ghost. He could see that they were simply meant to be with each other. He searched and searched and searched and searched. . .and searched. . .and searched. He almost gave up hope, until he spotted her just out in public.

Who would've thought that just bumping shoulders with a stranger turns out to be the one person you were looking for? No doubt in his mind that this was her. This was the ghost he was chasing for. It was her eyes that made her different from others.

She smirks at him. "You found me. Out of all the places." She giggles. He wraps his arms around her waist. "I finally caught my Ghost." He smiles.

The two separated from their families. They moved to a new area and bought a big house. They got married and gave birth to seven sons. Shadow was happy that he received seven sons but was worried about his wife's health. It wasn't normal to give birth to that many children.

He made sure to take care of her and his sons. Once she did get better, he noticed that she was depressed.

"What's wrong?" He asks her. "This may seem selfish of me and no doubt in my mind that I love my sons, but. . ." She looks away. "I want a baby girl. I want to have a daughter." She says. She does love all seven of her sons, but she felt empty without having another female in the family. She wanted to dress up her little girl. Do mother and daughter things. Make a strong independent woman in the family. Shadow looked at her with a frown. "You heard what the doctor said. You can't have another child. It will kill you." He said. Ghost shook her head. "I don't care what the doctor says! I want a baby girl! It's not fair that you get something that you want and I don't!" She stays silent for a moment and covers her mouth. She did realize how childish she was acting, but that didn't stop her from wanting a daughter.

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