Clark stopped for a moment as he said "Krypton had its chance!" Then used his lasers to destroy a part of the ship. Bringing it down with him. Everything within the ship started to get destroyed as it went down.

Faora boarded a pod as she exited the bigger ship. Hamilton noticed what was wrong about the pod and went to go give it a try. As Faora was gaining speed and was close, she opened the door getting ready to jump. Hamilton turned the pod and managed to fix it. Once that happened, the object went in. All that had to be done was it getting pushed in. You noticed when it worked and noticed Lois getting close to the edge thanks to a soldier. Faora ripped through the bottom of the plane as she entered; throwing the soldier who was warning Lois, to the side. This made Lois fall closer towards the edge but you caught her arm. "Lois!" You yelled and looked back towards where Faora was.

The soldiers were trying to hold her off but it wasn't working and both you and Lois saw. "Go!" She told you. "But you're going to fall!" You told her and she gave you a look that read if you don't, they'll die. With this, you placed her hand on something she could hand onto. She was heading towards the Colonel. Running towards her, you grabbed her and tackled her to the ground. She kicked you off and quickly got up. She was still going after the colonel.

As soon as you got up to go after her again, someone grabbed you from behind. It was Kazia. "Sorry, but you're not saving the day." She told you. You head butted her which caused her to stumble back; letting go of you. Hamilton was able to push the rest of the object inside the pod and electricity started to strike everywhere inside the plane. Lois had a good grip on her end as she watched everything unfold. You and Kazia went at it till she used a blade to slice your arm. Clark felt a sudden pain on his own arm but nothing showed. The two of you were at the edge when she kicked you to the ground. Now you were hanging on and Lois went to grab your hand but Kazia was fast. She grabbed you and you both flew out of the plane. "NOO!!" Lois yelled.

"A good death is it's own reward." Hardy told Faora when he saw the pod activated. Pushing the stick he held in his hand downward, it made the whole plane dive as it went straight into the ship. Lois was able to survive because at the same time, she flew out. Everyone else that was still inside, ended up dying. She screamed as she fell from a high location. Everyone within the ship started to scream as they were getting sucked in. Where was everything getting sucked into? A large black hole that was formed by the impact of the pod.

Clark was nearby was spotted her falling. In the back of his mind, he was wondering where you were since he knew you were with Lois but taking in what he was seeing now, you weren't anywhere to be seen. Flying, he went straight for her and caught her just in time too. The main struggle was both of them getting away from being sucked into the black hole. As he struggled, the magic you used on him could be seen on his face; appearing as if they were veins or when a glass is shattered. It was working harder on him to make sure he didn't get pulled inside. It was painful but he did it.

Landing at a nearby clearing. Jenny asked Perry if they were gone and he wasn't sure so he said that he thought so. Jenny only saw Superman at the moment so when she did, she said that he saved them. She had no clue where you were either. As Clark stood there with Lois, they looked into each others eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded. "But- - but y/n isn't." She added

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"She was fighting that woman with black hair before. The one that said General Zod wanted me to accompany you both on their ship. Then got knocked down, but when she was about to attack again, this other woman showed up." Lois started to say and Clark had a face that resembled one of someone thinking hard. "They went head and head and one thing led to another— they both flew out of the plane. I don't know here they are. I'm worried about her Clark. What if she's...." She added and he stopped her. "No." He said. He didn't want to think about that. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his chest and looked down. "What, what is it?" Lois asked him. "She's still alive but she's getting hurt." He told her then that's when they heard Zod not too far away. He started to walk forward before heading towards where he was.

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