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In New York, the ship was continuing on its destruction. Making its way outward; crushing everything in its path. During that process, structural pieces from buildings were floating around the ship.

Zod was watching from his standpoint inside the ship itself. "Faora. Take command." He told one of his soldiers.

"Yes, sir."

"I need to secure the genesis chamber... and pay my respects to an old friend." He finished telling her before it cut out to a military plane that was on the runway; taking off— Colonel as the pilot. "Guardian en route to metropolis. Package in tow." Hardy spoke through communications to radio tower as he focused on where he was heading.

On Clark's end, as he few through space— he sped up towards the area where the second world engine would be; doing the exact same destruction that the first ship in New York was currently doing.

"Be advised, F-35s inbound to rendezvous point. We should have visual contact now." A man in the cockpit spoke as Lois could be seen entering and giving a nod towards the colonel. The jets flew past the Air Force military plane.

"How's Aurora?" Colonel Hardy asked Lois.

"She checked the pod to double check if was secure. She's ready." Lois confirmed and he sighed. He, himself, wasn't ready but had to be because well, it wasn't just what was needed of him by everyone but everyone was counting on him in a way.

Zod's smaller ship landed in the area where Clark had left this big ship; where his father was speaking to him earlier and before Zod entered Earth. He exited the ship and looked at his hand as he focused and attempted to hone his senses like Clark had told him when they were fighting before. A high pitched ringing was heard and he closed his eyes for a second before it all went away. He was able to do it. That's when he turned and entered the ship.

Upon entering, he placed in the same piece Clark had entered before and a woman spoke once he did. "Command key accepted. Genesis Chamber coming online, sir."

"Stop this, Zod, while there's still time." Jor-El tried telling Zod.

"Haven't given up lecturing me, have you, even in death?" Zod mentioned as he turned to face the AI.

"I will not let you use the codex like this."

"You don't have the power to stop me. The command key I have entered is revoking your authority. This ship is now under my control."

Back to Clark's view, the air was already starting to fill up with Krypton's atmospheric like gases; making him cough and pull back for a brief moment. The destruction around it had made quite a distance as Clark recovered and flew towards the ship once more. He went up bird's eye view to get a good look at it and it triggered a section in the ship that release some form of metallic arms. It started to make their way towards him.

Meanwhile back at the plane, they were getting intel about what was happening with the three jets that flew ahead. "Northcom lightning-1, request permission to unleash the hounds." One of the men said and he got the all clear from the General who also mentioned to send a battle damage assessment when able. Doing as commanded, they released the missiles; aiming for the ship itself but when it got close, it went haywire and started to curve into separate directions— hitting buildings as people below were fleeing from the sight. "Avionics are going haywire. The gravity field is pulling our missiles down! We gotta get closer!" The same man stated.

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