"I wouldn't call them nerves", I shrugged, "I just, I dunno".

"I get it, you don't have to explain yourself", he offered me a small smile in return, "you've been through a lot of drastic changes, I apologise for not checking up as much as I should".

"You don't have to do that", I assured him, "I'll be okay once I'm in there".

"That you will", he nodded, "I tried to ask Alexander to take you, but he's insisting on meeting a friend". A friend hmm?

"So I'm riding with Xav?", I asked and he paused for a moment.

"You will be, but I'll be driving", he replied and I frowned, "Xavier's excitement levels need to be monitored at times, if I feel he's unfit to focus on the roads, I'll take over for him".

"Okay, cool - when are we leaving?".

"Twelve minutes", he checked his watch and I snorted, "gonna call out my precision now?".

"Nope", I bit my lip and he rolled his eyes, probably the most informal gesture I'd seen from him so far.


"It's too fucking early for this shit", oh the joyous presence of my youngest older brother was exactly what we all needed on a Monday morning, Zane turned his head ever so slightly and I smirked, no matter how much he told the guy not to swear he never listened.

"This friend you're meeting", oh shit, "do I know them?". Xander's face dropped and he looked at me instantly, he cleared his throat and composed himself, clearly caught off guard by that question.

"Uh, no I- I don't think so", a slight blush covered his cheeks and I mentally face palmed myself, guy couldn't make himself look more suspicious if he tried, "why'd you ask?".

"No less than 48 hours ago you stated and I quote - 'I don't have friends, I don't need friends, they're a waste of time and it all comes back to bite you in the ass eventually'", jesus christ he was good, "you know how I feel about liars Alexander". My brother fixed his gaze on the counter and my eyes focused on his clenched fists, I didn't see this ending well.

"I haven't lied about anything", he scoffed, "I'm withholding information I don't feel comfortable telling you yet". Good save.

"And I am perfectly fine with that answer", Zane nodded, "I will never force you to reveal something to me unless I feel it's causing you harm Alexander, and while I feel this is eating you alive, I know you'll come to me when the time's right, correct?".

"Later", he said quietly and Zane nodded once, "I'm gonna head out".

"Enjoy your day", he called after him, receiving a 'likewise' in return, "ready to go?". As ready as I'll ever be I guess...


"It's my radio, is it not?", the clicking of buttons and turning of knobs was all I could hear as we headed down the road in Xav's Jeep, this ride was testing Zane's patience and as much as I could see he wanted to snap, he remained calm as always.

"Just settle on one thing", he sighed, "you're gonna break the damn buttons". Xav paused and pulled his hands away, wringing them in his lap instead.

"I should have practice tomorrow", he announced, "I need to get back on the ice, it's driving me insane".

"It'll be good for you", Zane agreed as he pulled into the car park, "I'll pick you two up later, enjoy your days, Xavier- you protect her like your life depends on it".

"Already do", he replied and I smiled, "come on Izzy, let's get you in there". I leaned forward and pressed the world's quickest kiss to Zane's cheek, I didn't miss the smile that appeared on his face as Xav and I slipped out of the car and headed towards the building - why the fuck was everyone parting like the Red Sea?

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