"Happy birthday you dick", they hugged for a little while longer and I smiled, they seemed really close, "okay, I know you've been dying to meet her". They pulled apart and he looked at me, I looked at him and fuck did I struggle to not find this guy attractive - he was giving airport crush vibes to be honest.

"I'm uh, I-I'm Theo", why the hesitation on his name? He stuck out a hand with a smile and I shook it, chuckling when he pulled me into a hug, "your brother h-ha-hasn't shut up about you in uh, in years". Ohhhh.

"I'm hearing that a lot", I laughed as we pulled apart, "nice to meet you- oh and happy birthday".

"Thanks", he scratched the back of his head before his eyes widened, "I wanted-wanted you to uh....uh...to meet a couple people". I noticed how he'd squeeze his hands down by his sides whenever he got stuck on a word; I'd never met anyone with a stutter before but I gathered keeping eye contact and patience was a standard.

"Twins!", Caleb yelled and Theo rolled his eyes, his playfully agitated expression turned into a smile when two people stopped next to him; a boy and a girl, both blonde and both resembled Theo greatly - Grayson and Amelia.

"Ew, it's Caleb", Amelia scrunched up her face at my brother and he shoved her head, "my hair you dick!". I liked her already.

"That's no way to speak to your brother in law", he scoffed and Grayson snorted, "Izzy, that's Amelia and he's Grayson - you guys go do whatever teenagers do".

"Have sex?", Amelia asked and Theo glared at her, "I'm joking, come with me Izzy - I've had enough of boys, no offence Gray". She linked her arm into mine and started guiding me inside, her twin following behind with his phone in hand and head down.

"None taken", he muttered, "where are we going? Party's that way".

"The party is wherever I am dear brother", she grinned, knocking into a small table near the bottom of the stairs, "I saw that". I chuckled and let her guide me upstairs, she had the kind of energy I could work with.

"Who's older?", I asked and Grayson snorted from behind me.

"Me", he said and Amelia spun around, "by 6 minutes".

"And those six minutes alone in the stomach were heavenly", she sighed wishfully, "what's it like having six brothers?".

"That's an...interesting question", I sat down on her bed in the completely grey room, kinda like mine, "I've only known them for eleven days".

"Of course, shit", she muttered, "well if you ever need stories on the guys, I got you - now, tell me what the UK's like". I had a feeling we'd be here a while.


It was a while alright - one in the fucking morning to be precise. All of the 'irrelevant' guests as Amelia had called them had left and those who were left were close family and friends. And my brother who was completely smashed; no way was he driving us home.

"God they're a state", Amelia shook her head at our two brothers who were somehow shirtless and doing push ups on the floor, "Mum!".

"Yes darling?", Delilah stepped into the room and glanced down at the two boys, "Ted, what the hell are you doing?".

"Push-ups Mama", Theo slurred and I snorted, "yeah, I'm uh, I'm b-b-b uh, beating Cay".

"Caleb!", I shouted my brother's name and he flinched, hitting the floor with his face.

"What princesa?", he let out a sleepy sounding chuckle and I rolled my eyes, "are you drunk?".

"You're the drunk one Caleb", I sighed, "I'm gonna have to call one of the others to pick us up".

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