Your not so handsome Knight in shining armor

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Thanos POV

It's been almost 2 weeks since I've seen (Y/n) I just wish I wasn't such a Dick. I shouldn't have hit her and I shouldn't have been so interested in Tony Starks ass.  I know I just have a hard time with emotions, but all I can think about is (y/n). I will find her, no matter what,I will get her back.


"Wake up Bitch" the ugly guy says. "Huh" I say disoriented. " I want you to tell me where the stone is, if Thanos won't come for your pathetic ass he will for sure come for the stone."
"I don't know, now get your stanky ass out of my face"
*kidnapper punches* Next thing I know I feel a burning and stinging sensation as his fist makes contact with my face. "Answer the fucking question before I make you wish you were dead" he yells.

*door squeaks open* The tall handsome kidnapper enters " let me handle her, I know just the way to make her talk" he says with a devilish smile.

"Well you better or else our boss will be mad" ugly guy said while leaving the room.

He comes and sits next to me "Hey, are you ok? He shouldn't have hit you. It's just everything depends on us finding that stone. We need to find Thanos so we can get the stones from him. The last stone he needs is the reality stone before he can take over." He says to me.

"Look I really don't know, please just let me go. Why do y'all even keep me. Thanos doesn't even care about anyone but himself."

"You spent the most time with him. I'm not saying you know exactly where it is, but you must know something."

*sigh* "He didn't really tell me anything about the stones, all I ever did was fight. I never got any intel." I tell him while caressing his hand "look can we not talk about my ex anymore." I run my hand down his thigh. He then grabs my face and pushes his lips into mine. We start kissing and he pushes me down on the ground and gets on top of me. He licks my bottom lip asking for permission, I grant it. He then reached over and grabbed his knife. I feel the cold steel run down my (s/c) face. The coldness made goosebumps arise. I watch as the blade runs down my neck and it stops. He then starts to cut my shirt before being interrupted.
"Uhm what the HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THE PRISONER!?" Ugly guy yells.

"Nothing, she won't talk so I cut her, I'm gonna give her some time to think about making the right decision. Let's go see the boss" the handsome kidnapper says. They both exit the room. I lay down on the hard cold floor and feel my eyes get heavy. I close my eyes and feel my warm tear drop fall down and hit the floor. I actually miss Thanos right now. The kidnapper is hot af but it's not my big strong man. No screw Thanos, he doesn't care about me. I bet he's not even looking for me.

Kidnappers POV

I hope Dennis(ugly guy) doesn't say anything. I know I'd get beat if they found out I was trying to fuck (y/n) but I can't help it, she just makes me feel a certain way.
"So what's going on with you and (y/n). I know there's something more than what you're saying. You know the boss would not be happy if he knew that you were lying about your actions." Dennis stops walking

"Look it's not like that, I swear I'm just trying to get answers from her. She has to be lying about something but she won't say unless we gain her trust" I tell him. 

"Stop fucking lying, I know you're sleeping with her" Dennis raises his voice "we all fucking know, even the boss is getting suspicious, you know we thought we found his location but it turns out we don't. Now we are all fucking screwed. Thanos is going to either get the reality stone or come get (y/n) if we don't find him or the stone first."
"Man quit worrying about it, she is bound to tell me something soon. Just mind your own fucking business Dennis" I tell him angrily.
I storm off from Dennis and go to find (y/n) if I don't get an answer soon I'm worried something bad will happen.

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