Chapter six

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Chapter six: Switching Houses

America, November 26, afternoon

"That hike was awesome!" America said in glee. "We should do it again soon."

"Да (yes)," I agreed. "That's nice I guess —"

"Woo hoo! Let's go in now!" America excitedly shouted.

"Hey! Slow down you overexcited cowboy!" I desperately tried to catch up with the sprinting broncobuster.

We both reached the American's house and both walked inside. Feeling exhausted, he collapsed on the couch. On the other hand, I was in the kitchen. I stared at the pack of Hershey's kisses on the counter. I felt ecstatic and snatched the chocolate. I saw a note attached to the side. I silently read what was written on the paper.

Here's your promised gift. Make sure to share some to the capitalist.

I hurried to the living room and sat down with America. He instantly stared at the goody. I can tell he's salivating, even though his mouth is closed. He smiled and gave me the 'puppy dog eyes.'

"Can I have some, please?" he begged. I chuckled and handed him some kisses. His grin spread wider and instantly shoved the chocolate into his mouth. He sighed from the delightful taste of the sweet.

"Hey, where did you get this?" America asked.

"Oh, um ..." My mind went racing to find excuses. But I decided to just say something simple. "I found it in one of the cabinets."


Soon enough, night came. We both marched to our bedrooms and lied down our beds. I turned on the air conditioner to 5 and wore my hoodie. Then I rolled myself into a breakfast burrito before snuggling and drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of screaming. I shot up and ran towards the sound. It came from America's room. When I reached his room, the door was locked. The screams got louder. I had no choice, but to crash through the door.

When I got inside the room, I burst out laughing. Why? Welp, it turns out America was screaming because of a super enormous spider that was creeping close to him. He shot me with the 'help me' look. I took off my slipper and promptly squashed the arthropod. He slowly got up and crawled to me and hugged my arm tight, pouting a bit.

I chuckled as we both slouched down the dining table and ate cereal. He tried his best to avoid eye contact due to embarrassment. I silently giggled from his actions.

"I never knew a buckaroo like you would be afraid of a tiny weeny harmless little spider," I laughed. America blushed profusely and hid his face and looked away. I chuckled.

Breakfast ended and we both just went back to our usual routine, watching TV or playing video games. Just then, the doorbell rang. I went to answer it. From what I know, I wasn't expecting a certain British man to come along. The American had the same impression.

"UK? What are you doing here?" America raised an eyebrow. Then he noticed that France was there too. "And you too, France. What are you both doing here?"

"I don't think we were expecting an extra sexy gentleman in a suit to come, along with his confrère," I smirked. UK blushed and France did his best to hold laughter. America just downright smiled.

"Yeah, she's got a point. So, what are you guys doing here?" America said. UK turned to him. He cleared his throat before talking.

"Well, UN decided that the girl would switch houses every now and then. I'm not sure why he did that though," Tea man explained.

America stood there in shock. He huffed before speaking again. I can tell he was pissed off. I mean ... Like really pissed off. I laughed in my head.

"I bet UN doesn't think I can handle stuff fine, does he?" America growled.

"Well, you are a bit irresponsible. I can see why he decided to switch who the lady would be staying with," UK shot back. The atmosphere was getting tense, I can feel it. But I decided to lighten the mood with my twisted humor.

"Now, now, let's not get heated here. We aren't being cooked in a pot, are we?" I joked. America smiled and UK chuckled. France gave me the 'thanks for calming them down' look. I grinned with them.

"Welp," I stated. "Why don't we have a cup of tea inside?"

"I think that's a pleasant idea," UK remarked.

We all went inside. The two Europeans sat down the dining table and I went to make a batch of tea. I could hear them talking in the background. I came back with a tray of tea and we all drank some. I was still pretty much confused, so I decided to ask what's going on.

"So, what's gonna happen?" I asked. France turned to me with a stern look. I shot him back with an even more severe look.

"Well," he sighed. "You'll be moving to UK's house today. I'm sure you already heard what's gonna happen next after that."

"Yeah ...?"

The time has come. I was gonna move. After I packed some stuff (obviously not clothes since I don't have any), America went to my room. He smiled and handed me a light blue sweater vest. I carefully took the gift.

"Thanks, but why —"

"Well, I think you're a very nice friend. Most importantly, you're not boring!"

"T-thanks! You're a great friend too"

"Really? I've always thought that being friends with a Russian will be tough and won't last long."

"Don't believe in stereotypes! From what I know, one of my friends HATES vodka."

"What?! Now I've seen everything!"

We both chuckled as America helped me get down. We both joked around before I fully followed UK. The Brit watched as we both just kept laughing like idiots. I decided to ask him his number, so we can chit chat in WhatsApp or Viber.

"Miss, let's go!" UK waved, signaling me to come quick. I used this as the chance to ask the broncobuster beside me.

"Ame, can I have your number?" I asked nonchalantly.

"W-Wait what?!" the American coughed and spluttered.

The scene was simple. UK coughed and couldn't stop choking. France stared at us in a shocked and perplexed face. USA looked like he's about to faint. I shrugged and looked at them confusingly. Like, it doesn't always mean you're asking someone out if you ask their number or something. I finally got enough of the stares and snapped.

"For your information, I asked so we could chat normally in Viber or WhatsApp."

America sighed and burst out laughing. He was kinda relieved I said that. Weird. I mean ... Yeah, never mind.

"I thought you were serious back there —"

"But you are very cute. I'd definitely date you if I could."

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