"Minutes had passed and two firefighters came and saved us, i don't know how they got us out but from that moment ok, I knew what I wanted do with with my life" she described

She left out the part where her dad never got out, it felt unnecessary to add and she liked her privacy about her life.

"That's a beautiful story" Taylor commented

The sounds of at least 5 pairs of booths came traveling up the stairs. The crew reached the top and dispersed to different areas

"Hey" Buck said, sounding confused.

"I couldn't stay home, my mind would have killed me before the worry" she explained

"Hey, Buck told me what happened. Are you okay?" Bobby asked,

"No, but being here might help" she admitted honestly.

"How about some chocolate brownies" the older man offered, a soft smile on his face

Kate Smiled at his father like behavior, she reached into the tin and took two brownies. The tin was sat down on the counter and all three men picked from it.

"You make these cap?" Kate asked, taking another bite.

"No they were sent by someone"

"They we really good" Buck muttered, taking a large bite

Hen joined in, grabbing a few brownies from the lunch box, Kate didn't think she'd feel this good after coming to work but it actually helped ease her mind after all.

Hen dropped the empty lunch box back on the table, she took a seat and finished her last brownie

"Those were really good" Kate sighed happily, "nothing better then chocolate on a bad day"

The alarm rang rough the station, signaling everyone to the trucks. Kate took the poll, landing steadily on her feet she ran over to the truck, climbing in she took a seat across from Buck and Eddie

Chimney got in and shut the door behind him, Taylor stood outside it "Where's Captain Nash?"

"He's sitting this one out, wrapping the shift. It's a simple med call."

The truck took off, Leaving Taylor to be a distant speck in the side mirrors

Kate licked her dry lips "is anyone else really thirsty?" She asked,

"Kinda" Buck replied

The truck drove quickly down the highway, the alarm ringing loudly for any cars to hear

"Man. Allergies are going crazy today." Eddie grunted, rubbing his eyes aggressively

"You, too, huh? The index wasn't elevated this morning."

Kate rubbed aggressively at her nose "my nose is on fire" she complained, feeling it itch even more

"Think it's a new kind?  Buck asked

"New kind of what?"

"Of pollen."

"new kind of pollen?" Chimney questioned,

"You're not feeling this, Chim?" Eddie asked

"No, I do not." He replied dryly

"I can see the pollen." Eddie stared

"I can hear it."

"I can taste it" Kate mumbled to herself

They reached the destination a few minutes later, it was a convention centre but no one was expecting to walk into a room full of little girls in dresses and tiaras, especially not the 4 who felt progressively more spaced out by the second

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