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Inquisitormaster fans listen up I have something important to say, If you think Levi's eyes are ugly your soul must be ugly, Because his eyes are cute, Screw that his eyes are gray and beautiful, We stan Levi and his eyes. If you think his eyes are ugly you can unfollow me. I don't care as long as you stay far away from me. Someone shouldn't have to be scared to show their face because of someone else's rude a*s stupidity even if you don't think they look the best if they have a good heart that's all that really matters. To those of you who leaked his face online as well I can never forgive you because he'll do his own face reveal if he wants to or when he wants to that's up to him and his choice to decide if he wants to not for you to decide to show his face online without his permission and you guys just invaded someone else's privacy. Who ever thought this was a good idea is absolutely out of their mind. We love Levi no matter what because he is a good person and he is beautiful no matter what from his shoes to his eyes to his voice to his face to his heart and his whole entire body if he isn't ready to show his face that is totally fine and with you guys showing Levi's face what do you think the other squad members are going to think now stop asking for a face reveal they'll do it when they want if they want. They are all beautiful from head to toe. We love you Levi!

Alex did not deserve what Zach was doing to her she deserves a real person who loves her for who she is not some d*uchebag like Zach who doesn't know how to treat women. If you side with Zach on this I can't ever forgive you and it hurts me to see people saying that Alex cheated on Zach with Levi but Levi's never had a girlfriend before so how would that be possible? I'm also upset that Jade took Zach's side but I feel like Alex is doing better without him she seems happier than ever and I am happy to see that even if she had her heartbroken I know she's a strong woman who will recover from the heartbreak and make herself a stronger version of herself that no one's ever seen before. We love you Alex!

Light is a little gummy worm who is an outgoing, kind, sweet, loving, funny, silly, very outgoing, Heart warming, lovable, happy-go-lucky, trustworthy, pure soul that loves to take initiative and loves everyone around him, he is a great friend, and is a great brother to Alex if any drama or rumors come his way I won't believe it at all, because he deserves way better than that. We love you Light!

Charli may love squirrels and nuts but that does not make her a squirrel, she may love light and be all over him like almost 24/7, but if she does not say she is a simp, she isn't a simp an either way she is an awesome, smart, funny, kind, adorable, lovable, trustworthy, pure soul that loves her friends, family and fans she would do anything for them and if any drama, lies or rumors cone at her or if she is accused of doing something she didn't do I won't believe because we all know she deserves better than that. We love you Charli!

Sora is a Great friend, Person, short bean, he is also a, funny, sweet, kind, loving, trustworthy, thoughtful, caring, beautiful, adorable, lovable, happy-go-lucky, pure soul, If any hate, drama, rumors, lies go towards him, I won't believe any of it unless he says it himself, I also won't believe anyone if they accuse him for doing something he didn't do unless he says it him like I said. We love you Sora!

Luca is an Amazing squad member, friend, brother, person, he is smart, kind, loyal, Trustworthy, happy, sweet, lovable, awesome, adorable, loving, funny, caring, and a pure soul that loves his friends, family and fans and he would do anything for them, and if any drama, lies, rumors or if he were to get accused for something he didn't do I wouldn't believe it unless he were to say it himself. We love you Luca!

Jaxx is an amazing squad member, a great friend, he brings a smile to everyone's face and he's super tall, he is also Kind, Sweet, Funny, Caring, Charming, Cheerful, Lovable, Loyal, Loving, Caring, Awesome, Amazing, Social, Likable, challenging, appreciative pure Soul, If any drama, rumors, lies, or if he ever were to get accused for something he didn't do, I wouldn't believe unless he were to say it himself. We Love you Jaxx!

No squad member deserves any hate, Therefore I love them all equally and you should too but if you don't and you give them hate, please stay far away from me at all costs possible at this point. We love every squad member equally!

If you are a huge fan of inquisitormaster and you love every squad member equally copy and paste this into your bio and make an A/N about it if you care, because no squad member deserves hate, lies or drama to their name, they also don't need to be accused of something they didn't actually do, don't send hate to the squad, if you do please stop send hate to the squad and love them and if you do that I will give you second chance at forgiveness from me personally, I love being kind and I enjoy it my mother taught me rightfully so, because it's always the right thing to do I am only mean to people who were mean first or hold a grudge against me for no reason at all so if you are also nice would you like to be my friend please we could do collaborations on books, we could have matching pfp or matching Bios, and talk about what kind thing we want to do next bye for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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