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I haven't been updating because you guys haven't been requesting anything for me to write but yeah you can also request more here. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR 100+ READS I DIDN'T EVEN START THIS TWO WEEKS AGO! My neighbors are still awake I have school in two hours I am not going to sleep I might just close my eyes a bit. I am going to wear the clothes I did not end up wearing on friday because I apparently gave my mom the finger and didn't want to go but I can see why because I'm on my period kind of personal I know sorry. My index finger on my right hand was also probably sore because I am still missing a whole chunk and a half from it but yeah it's doing better a lot better actually I also never found my blue sweater but for school I get to wear one of my favourite hats and I might get to go to the store who knows I just want gummy worms sorry I also want sprite too so yeah but when I went downstairs I only had coke so yeah uhhh sorry for this long a*s Update but yeah if it gets enough reads within the next like 30 minutes I could probably do a very short chapter for yall. Uhm excuse me my bottom levi levight book has a higher rating in Soraxx than this book a book specifically dedicated to soraxx seriously.I'm excited for later today and by that I mean and hour to and hour and a half I might cry tears of joy because I get to see his face. By his I mean my five and a half year old cousin who just got out of surgery.Anyways I hope you guys have a great day/night/evening/Afternoon where ever you may be right now I hope you have a great time bye for now!

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