♥𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒♥

Start from the beginning

Any move you made could lead to your death, the thought alone although it did make you terrified, it also made your blood boil. Just the thought of dying before you even had your revenge made you clench your jaw.

You could feel Yuu grab your wrist and trail his hand up your arm until he squeezed your bicep. One second you were in a large dining room filled with men, and the next you were in a hallway with wooden floors and white walls.

You could feel your hands starting to shake in disbelief. Was it a miracle? Were you free? It hadn't even been a week and you were losing yourself –although you had nothing to lose-. You could feel your mind slowly deteriorating, whatever your past memories were, are now digging themselves deeper into the back of your mind.

Tears were making their way down your cheeks.


Did you cry while you were in that cell? You couldn't remember. Those memories felt so distant now, the realization that you were free completely taking over your mind, pushing that trauma away. It was like your mind knew that it wasn't the right time to cry over what you had been through, and just to soak in the reality of right now.

You were free.

But where were you? Is this a house? Who lived here if anyone did? Would they throw you to the streets as soon as they saw you?

You didn't care, you were hungry, emotionally, and physically exhausted. You didn't care what type of people they were, you just needed to see a genuine smile on someone's face before you lost your mind.

You ran, pushed out the little energy you had left, and you followed the hallway until you stopped at the opening of a living room.

"Excuse me" Your voice came out as a whisper, your exhaustion catching up to you.

There were two people sitting on a couch watching tv, their backs were facing you. But when you spoke neither turned around at the sound of your voice.

You slowly stepped towards the couch. Standing to the side of it so you could see their faces.

"Yuu" the name came out as more of a question than a statement. You were confused, and your hope slowly started to deteriorate as you watched him, and the woman interact.

"You're so useless you know that Yuu? What's a man even good for if he can't even pay his bills" The woman's voice was annoying, and she didn't even make the effort to look at Yuu as she spoke.

You watched as Yuu's stoic expression twitched in annoyance.

"Says the woman who sits at home drinking all day" he snapped back. His monotone voice rising in anger.

"Oh please, I'm a woman for goodness' sake, my body isn't fit for working"

Yuu looked like he had had enough, and you stared, everything happened too fast for you to entirely process.

He had taken out a gun from his back pocket and shot the woman.

It shocked you how quickly he lost his temper. How quickly he resorted to violence when irritated. Did everyone act like this? You had no knowledge of the outside world. It felt like you had lived in that cell or your entire life, it was all you knew. The abuse was already etched into your mind, and you wondered if it was normal to experience it.

"Stupid woman"

And as quickly as you got there, you were back in the dining room. But instead, you were on the floor with a burning cheek, and Yuu towering over you with a menacing glare.

"Don't make me repeat myself sweetheart"

He roughly grabbed you by your arm and pulled you to where he was sitting. Pulling you to sit on his lap as he talked to the men sitting at the table.

His hand lay on your thigh, thumb stroking the skin in a loving gesture. The action made you shudder with disgust.

Of course, you weren't free. How could you have been so naïve? There wasn't a miracle coming to save you, and you almost chuckled out loud for being so stupid to believe that there was. You were stuck with men that wanted to beat you till you pled for mercy, and fuck you till you couldn't feel your legs the next morning.

This was your reality.

Whatever happened back there was too complex for you to understand. Did you teleport to some other place, and then teleport back? But why was Yuu there? Why was all this crap happening to you?

And as you drowned out the men's conversation, swimming in your own thoughts. One thought left you disappointed,

I didn't even get to see a genuine smile. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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