♥𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏♥

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It was dark and quiet. The only thing making noise was the droplets of water from a broken pipe. The cold night air seeped in from the cracks in the windows. Causing goosebumps to appear on your body. The floor felt cold on your bare feet as you wiggled your toes and rubbed your arms to try and create some warmth.

Everything about this seemed shady. You can't remember a thing though. As if your memories were locked up in a cage even you couldn't access, but looking at your surroundings and the throbbing pain at the back of your head, you were probably kidnapped. The thought sent a chill down your spine as you shivered another time because of the cold.

You hoped that whoever took you would explain why. Did they want to use your body? It was the only thing that came to mind since -from what you remember- none of your family members were very important, so kidnapping you for ransom seemed out of the question. Sex trafficking? Do people still do that? You were so deep in thought you didn't even hear the door open and footsteps coming to a halt right in front of you.

The strong stench of alcohol slapped you in the face and out of your thoughts. Your eyes were met with black sneakers. Trailing your eyes up their body the man seemed to be wearing black jeans and a hoody. As you observed his face he had a brown beard with equally colored hair and a smirk adorning his lips. You could see only one emotion in his eyes.


He's drunk, you thought. He seemed to be observing you too. The blue jean shorts and white tank top you seemed to remember wearing were gone and you were left in only a bra and underwear giving the man a full view of your body. You felt disgusting and pulled your knees up to your chest. The movement seemed to snap the man out of his trance.

"What do you think you're doing"

His voice was slurred and he hiccuped soon after. He's drunk, you thought again. And it only makes this situation so much worse.

"Don't cover yourself in front of me"

His voice was demanding which surprised you and you didn't hesitate to comply. There was a burning sting on your cheek and your face was suddenly facing the right. It took you a second to comprehend as you started to shake. Hand moving up to your cheek where the unknown man had just slapped you. You could feel the heat of your cheek on your hand, but it felt like the temperature just dropped by 30 degrees. You felt as if it could start snowing in here, and for some reason, you prayed it did.

The man's hand came down to ruffly grab your hair and pull you up to meet his face. A deafening scream came out of your mouth as the pain in your head doubled from the headache you were already having. Tears trailed down your face as you tried to get used to the pain knowing the man wasn't going to let go any time soon.

"Open your eyes"

His breath fanned over your face and the overbearing stench of alcohol almost made you gag but you heald it in. Your stomach churned with disgust when you opened your eyes and saw him grinning down at you enjoying your pain.

"There are rules in this house and you will follow them understood"

When you didn't nod your head fast enough he threw you against the wall. Screaming as the wall impacted your back and your head hit the floor. He kneeled down to your limp frame grabbing your face roughly and forcing you to meet his eyes. His eyes pooled with enjoyment as he witnessed the newfound tears streaming out of your eyes and down your cheeks.

"You will listen to me do you understand, and I will show you what happens when you defy me"

Those words caused your heart to stop and your eyes to widen. He was going to punish you. With sex? Or maybe- before your thoughts could finish you felt a sharp pain in your stomach. Looking down you saw his foot retracting and hitting the same spot repeatedly. It hurt like hell. It felt like you were being stabbed a million times repeatedly. As time went on you became numb to the feeling and you lay limp on the floor just taking every hit with only a small yelp every time his foot came into contact with your abdomen.

He got bored after a while seeing as you weren't screaming and giving him the reaction he enjoyed. You noted that, since you could tell you were going to be here for a long time might as well take notes of what you should and shouldn't do. You had no hope in your body after the beating, no hope left after he locked the door behind him. You had no source of communication, and screaming would probably just get you another beating.

So as you succumbed to the darkness and tried to ignore the pain, the cold air hit your body and all you could think about was snow. Beautiful snow falling in little white specks down onto the floor as kids built snowmen and played snowball fights. You had no memories of playing in the snow, or at least your mind wouldn't allow you to see them. A happy life in which you knew you would never see or experience.



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