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I had two theories from everything; one, my biological mother and her family before her got into trouble with witches therefore requiring witch hunters and two, they probably almost end up dead.

I didn't tell Helen about my theories not wanting her to try to make me stop investigating. I would find the truth no matter what.

"Why don't I like the look on your face? I know why, your mother used to have that exact same look when she is going to do something she was warned not to," Helen said, giving me a glare.

From my silence, she knew everything she needed to know.

"Since I can't convince you, count me out of everything. I won't be responsible for another one of your deaths." She finished with a disappointed sigh.

"What do you mean our deaths?"

The thought of the possible reason made my body hair stand on their ends.

Helen stood up without replying and began to walk away. "Rest now, tomorrow we begin the tattoo removal," she told us as she went.

"Well, that was unhelpful," Ray mumbled when she had disappeared from sight.


Falling back onto the couch, I wondered how my life took this dramatic turn. A few days ago, I was a graduate, fresh out of college and about to start my life. Being out in the real world, I couldnt help but be thankful that being in the school of the gifted prepared me for almost everything. I missed my family a lot. My innocent parents would be worried sick wondering where I was and my friends, they might have gone nuts. Amelia would have come up with some crazy theory about my disappearance and Maddy would be beside herself in worry.

I sighed, rolling up the sleeves of my sweatshirt into a ball. I still hadn't put the shirt back on, seeing no need to. Hiding the tattoos was not the same as getting rid of it.

"What do you want to do next?" Ray asked all of a sudden, bringing me back to reality.

Glancing up, I saw his brown orbs already watching me. He had placed one arm behind his head and leaned back on the couch, watching me.

"Obviously I am not going to stop until I find out the truth. I just wish I know where to start looking," I responded with a frustrated groan.

"If you ask me, I think we need to go back to the beginning."

"Beginning of what?"

"Where your birth mother lived. Her home town."

I shot him a nasty look. "You think I wouldn't be on a plane going there right now if I knew where it was."

He glared back at me. "Which is why we have to meet with your adopted parents."

A weird feeling washed over me as he referred to my parents as adopted. It wasn't in any way a nice feeling.

"I guess it's back to the East Coast then."


The day flew by and soon we were turning in for the night. Helen gave us some covers and we decided to camp out in her living room. After thinking for a while, sleep overtook me and I drifted off to sleep.

I was certain I hadn't slept for too long when I felt someone trying to shake me awake. Forcing myself awake, I saw it was Ray who was franctically shaking me.

"What's wrong?" I croaked, sitting up only to perceive smoke. The smell was heavy in the air meaning that something seriously burning.

"Come on, we have to get out," he rushed out, pulling me up by the arm.

When I rose to my feet, I saw the whole of the front door and windows covered in flames. On seeing the amount of flames, my eyes turned to saucers.

"Where is Helen?" I asked, beginning to panic.

"Go get her, I will find a way out."

Runing towards the bedroom, I saw Helen sleeping with no care in the world. Like her house wasn't on fire. Shaking my head, I climbed onto the small bed, and began to shove her while calling her name.

After three shoves, she shot up with wide eyes.

"There's a fire," I cried out, running out of room.

Entering the living room, the fire had spread to the walls and furniture. It had spread too fast. Ray was trying to break the door with the small table but it wasnt working.

"There is a back exit!" Helen yelled, turning on her heels and dashing back to the bedroom. Ray and I were hot on her heels even as she pushed the door open and entered into the bedroom.

She yanked open the door of her wardrobe, revealing clothes which she shoved aside to uncover a narrow door. She ran out of the wardrobe into the room again.

"What are you doing? We have to go!" Ray screamed after her.

A few seconds later, she came back, carrying a satchel. She pulled the narrow door open and ran through it. I entered next and Ray followed after. On the other side was the back of the house surrounded by a thick forest.

But, that was not the only thing it was surrounded by. It was surrounded by men dressed in black. The blank lifeless look in their black eyes was chilling as all sixteen of them stared at us.

I could have sworn my heart stopped as they began to walk towards us in perfect synchronisation. Their pale skin was almost translucent. They didn't look human.

"What are they," I cried, edging back to the walls.

"Fledglings!" Helen growled. "Luciana's favourite pets."

Of course it had to be her. I hadn't wronged the woman but she seemed to have it out for me.

"The mindless, soulless creatures?" Ray gasped.

Helen replied affirmative. That didn't sound nice.

"How do we fight them?" I asked, not taking my eyes off their stealthily approaching figures.

"Don't you read folktales? Fledglings can't be killed. They'd just spring back up," Ray said, killing all the hope I just had.

I turned back to run back into the house but that proved to be the dumbest idea I had ever made as the house was already up in flames.

Even Ray seemed to think so as he asked me, "Are you stupid?"

I frowned. "It's either that or stay here and be killed by these Fledgers!"

"It's Fledglings and no one is getting killed," Helen spoke, moving to stand in front of us.

She lifted both her arms and began to mutter incomprehensible words. I watched with interest as her hands began to glow. I recognized the magic in magic class. It was called Luminiscence. The school of the gifted had students of all species. We had witches, mages, fairies, nymphs, wolves and many others. Amelia, Madison and I were the only humans, hence why we stuck together.

Helen whispered until the glow became bigger and brighter to the point where the brightness was blinding. Then she pushed the light towards the approaching Fledglings which sent them flying into the forest with a sickening sound.

"That was impressive," Ray commented. "Now, lets get out of here before they get back up."

For a few seconds Helen looked back at her burning house. It was obvious how it hurt her to leave it that way. Her lips thinned as she whirled back and we left the place.


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